Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Code of Ethics Essay Example
Code of Ethics Essay Example Code of Ethics Essay Code of Ethics Essay 1.Nurses worth quality nursing care for all individuals. Esteeming quality nursing care includes medical caretakers tolerating responsibility for the standard of nursing care they give, assisting with increasing the expectation of nursing care, and making a move when they consider, on sensible grounds, the standard of nursing care to be inadmissible. This incorporates an obligation to address and report what they consider, on sensible grounds, to be exploitative conduct and treatment. 2. Medical attendants esteem regard and graciousness for self as well as other people. Esteeming regard for self as well as other people incorporates esteeming the ethical worth and pride of oneself as well as other people. It incorporates regarding the individual moral qualities individuals may have with regards to human services. Graciousness is the showing of straightforward demonstrations of delicacy, thought and care. The act of generosity as a submitted and regular way to deal with care lessens the force unevenness between an individual requiring or accepting consideration and a medical caretaker, by putting the attendant at the person’s administration, which is the fitting relationship. 3. Medical attendants esteem the assorted variety of individuals. Esteeming the decent variety of individuals expects medical attendants to acknowledge how extraordinary social foundations and dialects may impact both the arrangement and receipt of nursing and human services. 4. Medical attendants esteem access to quality nursing and medicinal services for all individuals. Esteeming nursing and human services for all individuals expects medical attendants to maintain the standards and principles of the privilege to nursing and social insurance as estimated by the accessibility, availability, adequacy, quality and wellbeing of nursing and medicinal services administrations. In particular, get to alludes to the degree to which an individual or network can get social insurance administrations. This incorporates information on when it is proper to look for social insurance, the capacity to go to and the way to pay for human services. Access doesn't mean the capacity to offer a wide range of assistance believable for everybody, yet rather the capacity to sensibly and evenhandedly offer types of assistance dependent on need, regardless of topography, social standing, ethnicity, age, race, level of salary, sex or sexuality. 5. Medical attendants esteem educated dynamic. Medical caretakers esteem people’s interests in settling on free and educated choices. This incorporates individuals having the chance to confirm the importance and ramifications of data being given to them when settling on choices about their nursing and human services. Medical caretakers additionally perceive that settling on choices is once in a while compelled by conditions outside individual ability to control and that there might be conditions where educated decisionmaking can't generally be completely figured it out. 6. Medical attendants esteem a culture of wellbeing in nursing and social insurance. Esteeming a culture of security includes nurture effectively captivating in the improvement of shared information and comprehension of the critical significance of wellbeing in contemporary social insurance. Medical attendants who esteem a culture of wellbeing welcome that security is everyone’s duty. Medical caretakers bolster the advancement of hazard the board forms and a training situation intended to lessen the rate and effect of preventable unfriendly occasions in medicinal services. Medical caretakers likewise bolster the open exposure of any antagonistic occasions to any individual influenced over the span of their consideration 7. Medical caretakers esteem moral administration of data. The age and the executives of data (counting medicinal services records and different archives) are performed with polished methodology and respectability. This requires the data being recorded to be exact, non-judgemental and applicable to the wellbeing, care and treatment of an individual. All wellbeing documentation is a record that can't be changed or modified by some other means than the expansion of additional data. A documentation in a record or an archive utilized for human services correspondence can have a ground-breaking constructive or contrary effect on the nature of care got by an individual. These impacts can be dependable, either through guaranteeing the arrangement of value care, or through revering disgrace, generalizing and judgment in human services dynamic and social insurance arrangement experienced by an individual. The moral administration of data includes regarding people’s security and privacy without bargaining wellbeing or wellbeing. This applies to a wide range of information, including clinical and research information, regardless of the medium in which the data happens or is put away. 8. Medical caretakers esteem a socially, monetarily and environmentally reasonable condition advancing wellbeing and prosperity. Medical caretakers esteem systems planned for forestalling, limiting and beating the hurtful impacts of financial, social or biological factors on the strength of people and networks. Pledge to a sound situation includes the protection and effective utilization of assets, for example, vitality, water and fuel, just as clinical and different materials
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Markting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Markting - Term Paper Example ces to be offered in the rest boxes to the clients incorporate draw down seats where clients can unwind for study, dozing conceals that shut out light, forced air systems, morning timers, and water gadgets. The organization will likewise give free Wi-Fi web get to, gear stockpiling region, and electrical attachments for telephone or PC charging. The primary serious edge of our organization is the vital area close to air terminal. A few explorers might be new to the city, the rest boxes will give them the chance to unwind and rest. Our organization has a serious edge since numerous guests will stay away from the issue of searching for an inn or moving around with their things. The area of our organization has guaranteed client comfort and diminished the expenses of conveying the administrations to our objective clients. The organization is situated in leased air terminal offices that are secure and agreeable consequently empowering the clients to accomplish exceptional unwinding experience. Our organization has situated itself as the ease supplier of per pay hour dozing administrations supplier in significant air terminals. The forceful estimating methodology will include charging the client per the quantity of hours they wish to utilize the rest box. The hourly rates will be twice less expensive than the rates charged by lodgings and inns in the neighboring urban communities. Our organization will advance its administrations through bulletins at the air terminal passage and leave focuses. The organization will likewise use the informal exchange to grow its piece of the overall industry and addition brand acknowledgment. There are barely any organizations offering such rest boxes benefits in this way the organization will expand its objective piece of the pie with no firm rivalry in the business. Our organization will smooth out the administration conveyance process by guaranteeing client accommodation and cultivating client dedication. All the necessary administrations will be conveyed quickly and bed sheets will be changed right away. Our organization will have the option to give the physical proof to the clients. Our organization will likewise
Dttls Unit Cppd
More top to bottom investigation of the definitions and the implications connected by others are created all through the task. Intelligent Practice-â€Å"a set Of capacities and aptitudes, to demonstrate the taking Of a basic position, a direction to critical thinking or perspective. †(Moon 1999 refered to on www. Ukulele. Air conditioning. UK 2012) Continual Personal and Professional Development â€Å"maintaining improving and widening significant information and abilities in your subject master and your instructing and preparing, so it positively affects practice and the student improvement. †(www. Fill. Air conditioning. K 201 2) Whilst setting up this task my Primary research was examined by utilizing both individual perception and casual conversations with individual companion bunch individuals, I led my Secondary research by colleting existing information assembled from both my Primary research just as utilizing the web so as to get to audits, government explana tions and data just as speculations and standards utilized and created by instructive specialists, I have likewise utilized the neighborhood library to get to reference material as books and the e-library and as an extra reference method.Once assessing the chosen information I at that point built up an Action Plan so as to accomplish my ideal objectives. The Common Sense Theory logician and educationalist John Dewey spearheaded the idea of intelligent practice in 1 933 as the exacting thought of â€Å"thinking about reasoning' (owe. Elicit. Tats. Organization 201 2) He was basically keen on critical thinking. At the point when a terrible episode happens you feel irritated or bothered and set out to distinguish and correct the issue. This essential way to deal with intelligent practice was additionally evolved as the â€Å"common sense see' by Moon (1999). She took the position â€Å"reflection is much the same as deduction yet with more added to this. Roofer-Parents and Maltose 2 009, dad) This is appearance in its most perfect structure. After an exercise that that went seriously it is regular that you will consider what turned out badly and why. The sheer essential nature Of the hypothesis prompts issues of sloppiness and documentation. The single idea of essentially thinking cause impediments when there is nobody to give input. There is more thought given to the past than the future and gives constrained outlets to creating practice. Donald Chon (1983) created two ideas corresponding to intelligent practice: Reflection in real life †An individual ponders conduct as it occurs.For model in the event that you are utilizing a study hall movement With students that is plainly not working you would rapidly think about this can locate a reasonable option promptly instead of hanging tight for the following meeting. Reflection on activity this sort of reflection happens after the occasion permitting time for examination and investigation of the circumstance a nd time to design further turn of events. Kola (1984) made his four phase model of inclining. This includes the proceeded with pattern of learning. It traces the essential idea of accomplishing something. Considering it. Inquiring about methods of enhancing it and arranging how to actualize this.This takes you directly back to the doing organize thus the cycle proceeds. This can be joined at any stage however should be followed in succession to be viable. Graham Gibbs further built up this cycle in 1988. Like Kola, his pattern of self reflection is easy to utilize and follows a constant cycle. Gibbs Model for Reflection (www. Aggregate. Air conditioning. UK 201 2) Stephen Brookfield (1995) accepts fundamentally intelligent instructing happens when we distinguish and examine suppositions that under lattice how we work. For this the happen we should see our educating from the perspective on the â€Å"four basic Roofer-Parents and Maltose 2009,pop ).The four focal points being: 1. The instructor 2. The students 3. Our Colleagues 4. The perspective on writing and hypotheses. In spite of the fact that tedious this hypothesis gives an exhaustive reflection on our training through criticism and research as opposed to simply our own musings. This hypothesis joins the individual accomplishments produced by means of intelligent practice with the advantages of CAP where instructors improve aptitudes and information upgrades their expert execution. Pre-winters (2007, pop) portrays this as ‘A steady basic evaluation of educating and learning, and of crafted by the guide for the most part. Goals from Chon, Kola, Gibbs and different heritors can be incorporated in proficient intelligent practice this perfect would incorporate courses, workshops, gatherings, gatherings, preparing days, 1. 1 surveys, perceptions and general discussions. Having distinguished what you could do to profit your training you would make an activity plan plainly characterizing SMART targets. Ha ve in the past depended too intensely on Moon's ‘common sense' hypothesis. Believing is a characteristic procedure we have next to zero command over. Have regularly conveyed a meeting with my head humming with contemplations and thoughts; these would assume the type of what went well?What turned out poorly? Why? What would i be able to do? This perspective of thoughts has its advantages. Was breaking down my showing practice as opposed to just continuing with no thought to its benefits. The primary issues being that I infrequently recorded my appearance. There was no association or structure to the intelligent practice. This type of reflection is too isolated and independent. At the point when I previously began showing think I presumably did not have the certainty to effectively look for the perspectives on others and acknowledge productive criticism.Since undertaking the DOLLS course have as an essential of learning kept an intelligent diary. This strategy For reflection con nects in with Scion's ‘Reflection on Action. ‘ Actually setting aside some effort to stop and record reflection has been exceptionally gainful This permits time for more noteworthy and progressively organized assessment distinguishing what worked out in a good way and need went poorly. From here am ready to arrange for what I have to enhance. Chon (1983) likewise plots â€Å"action practically speaking. †I discovered this idea of â€Å"thinking on your feet†a need of instructing. A meeting plan may here and there never again be substantial. Eave in the past had to a change exercises that require certain numbers because of poor participation. Likewise if out of the blue have a little gathering may not utilize arranged assets, for example, flowchart which appear to be generic for just four students. As my instructing experience has grown so has my ability for reflection. Drawing on Brookfield basic focal points. I am currently increasingly certain and mindf ul of the advantage of input to look for the perspectives on students, peers, tutors and so forth. This makes a more noteworthy range of reflection instead of basically my own to learn from.Gibbs intelligent cycle (1988) has become a characteristic piece of my instructing and intelligent practice. This is particularly advantageous with multi week rouses I educate over and over. In this circumstance it is anything but difficult to get smug and sluggish and stay with same meeting plan. Effectively reflecting with criticism from others empowers me discover strategies for improving the meeting. At that point can evaluate the new arrangement. When attempted at that point consider the new arrangement thus the cycle proceeds. Obviously I wouldn't make change for change purpose. The out happen to the reflection could be that everything worked out positively in that session.As an educator when considering CAP need to consider what The FILL characterizes as the â€Å"Model Of Dual Profession alism†(www. Mythical being. Co. UK) Your subject authority. Your instructing. In the two examples I have to embrace an investigation to distinguish preparing and advancement needs. I am as yet an educator in preparing so my polished skill is persistently creating through my school contemplates which incorporates bunches of research. In my work place I have gone to preparing days on significant showing regions, for example, instructing your group and Giving and Receiving Feedback and gatherings, for example, E-Leaning.Once my preparation is finished I should effectively look for improvement openings around there. I could do this through the IL F, College arrange, instructive sites, distributions and creations. The open doors for individual and expert advancement in the Hairdressing and Beauty territory are extensive. Staying up with the latest with pertinent enactment is principal. For example I as of late went on a preparation day on conveying e-learning. Anyway as an educati onalist it is imperative don't simply expect there are no progressions if nobody has educated me other wise.The VT site is the best reference point on enactment. Explicit territory of my job, for example, manual taking care of, Fire Safety and First guide expect me to refresh my mentor's aptitudes with a supplemental class each a few years. As I show n an organization that has some expertise in Hairdressing and Beauty it is crucial I effectively look for new information here. All advancement accomplish for my work affects my self-improvement. The expansion in aptitudes and information gives me more certainty and grows my inventiveness. In my spare time appreciate perusing and experimental writing and have taken significant courses for pleasure.I have in the past been too work fixated and taking on to numerous courses without a moment's delay. This came about pressure and influenced all parts of my life. Presently can needs my CAP to permit personal time to unwind and invest energy i n different things that are significant. Can interface my intelligent practice to a large portion of the scholars. The sound judgment perspective on' actually believing is something do continually yet have taken in the advantages of taking an increasingly organized and inventive way to deal with reflection. Working through a pattern of doing, reflecting, exploring, arranging and doing implies my training practice can just improve.This has given me more certainty and advantages the students. Connecting in intelligent practice with CAP guarantees my improvement as an educator and a subject expert. Through my work place I am ready to distinguish preparing and advancement needs with my outrage. As a self-ruling student is indispensable I continually look for new roads to guarantee my Hair and Beauty information is modern and significant. Section 3 To ca
Friday, August 21, 2020
Observational Abilities Test :: essays research papers
Observational Abilities Test Presentation What is valid according to one, can be viewed as a hallucination in another. We, as a general public, are comprised of a significantly different amalgam of societies and capacities. Discovering what those distinctions are can assist us with arriving at a superior comprehension of one another, in this way an increasingly fair relationship can be created. In this way, finding the observational capacities of a given gathering may help yield some intriguing and significant data. In the accompanying examination a few gatherings were tried on their observational capacities. So as to grow such a test, it was important to devise an organized methodology for social event and deciphering the data. Along these lines, the extent of the test was detailed dependent on speculation testing. The accompanying theory was set up as the rule for the test: Invalid theory (Ho) : Males and females don't have distinctive observational capacities Elective Hypothesis (H1) : Males and females do have unique observational capacities Trial DESIGN The study comprised of 3 gatherings of fluctuating size and structure. During the underlying stage, the individuals from the examination were uninformed that any test was being led. The areas of the test were Wilford Hall Medical Focus : Primary Care Meeting, University of the Incarnate Word : World Literature Class, and University of Texas at San Antonio : Business Statistics Class. The example sizes and builds were as per the following: Wilford Hall Medical Center : 30 individuals - 19 (F) 11 (M) College of the Incarnate Word : 19 individuals - 9 (F) 10 (M) College of Texas at San Antonio: 32 individuals - 11 (F) 21 (M) The guineas pigs were totally given a similar situation, given the typical level of variety. The strategy of the test was as per the following: - The educator/administrator was prompted that a test would be directed at some point during the period. - A male detachment with dark hair what's more, wearing a blue shirt what's more, slacks, would go into the room unannounced. - The delivery person would hand an envelope to the educator. - The delivery person would then say, "This is from Debbie". - The errand person would then leave the room. The teacher/administrator had been approached to hold up 10 minutes, at that point the teacher/administrator would pass out a structure for the respondents to round out (Results: Sample Form). All the information was aggregated and rectified, at that point the information was inputted into the SPSS measurable program for examination. Each right answer on the structure was given an estimation of 10 also, each off base answer was given an estimation of 0. The male and female respondents were broke down independently by sex and gathering (Results: Descriptives), At that point the important scores and information of the gatherings were assessed against each
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Grandest of Road Trips
The Grandest of Road Trips Im on a 13-hour flight from San Francisco to Tokyo, connecting through Seoul, and Im holding it. This is not because of lack of access Im sitting in the emergency exit row directly behind a bathroom but rather to decrease the suspicion of the two other people in the emergency exit row with me, who have not gone to the restroom once yet in the first three hours of the trip. Whats wrong with her? I imagine theyd think, their judging eyes trying to count just how many times so far. I imagine at this point theyre starting to believe Im smuggling mass quantities of hallucinogens out of the US, or that I have a small plant in my pocket that needs water every fifteen minutes. Or worse, I have some sort of bladder infection that makes them wonder about switching seats. I want to comfort them and tell them Im just a normal kid who chugged two waterbottles before passing security, but Im afraid I might burst in the process. (Talk about your emergency exits, am I right??) My small bladder has always been a troubling affliction, particularly on long international plane trips and also on cross-country road trips. I spent the last week driving from Boston to San Francisco with my boyfriend CV, who just graduated and has a much greater stamina for holding it than yours truly, so youd think Id have picked up a little more endurance. Instead of that, Ive picked up a few interesting observations about this country: -It is a very long drive from Boston to San Francisco. -At night, they light up the Niagara Fall with all the colors of the rainbow. This is so they can remind you that even though you are experiencing one of the most fantastic natural wonders of this world, things are still better in the technicolor world of Oz. -The hottest part of our trip was, surprisingly, in upstate New York, on our first day of driving. The day that our air conditioner also broke down the most was, not surprisingly, in upstate New York, on our first day of driving. -Theres a place in Ashland, Ohio, called Grandpas Cheesebarn. (One word.) It sells a variety of cheeses, meats, pickled garnishes, and a wide collection of John Deere memorabilia. Stop by if youre ever around, and say hi to the Amish kids selling baskets on the lawn for me. -Eating at a Steak n Shake in Indiana as a minority is a lonely endeavor, save for the one Filipino guy working the grill. (He gave me a high five on the way out. In my head.) -CV has a built-in coffee maker at his house. Right in between the microwave and the food warmer. I plan to propose this for the next renovations of Burton-Conners kitchens. -The Grand Canyon may not be the longest or deepest or widest canyon in the world, but many people would agree it is the grandest.: A direct quote from a plaque at the Grand Canyon museum. Which leaves one wondering: who is many people? How did they get to be on this grand decision-making committee? What kinds of requirements are there for becoming a canyon with the grand denomination? Also, why is CV driving the car away from me? -The boundaries for where sweet tea is acquirable: somewhere in Ohio to approximately New Mexico. Someone fact check this. It is probably about as accurate as stating Out of all the canyons, the Grand Canyon is the grandest. -Things that we only have in California: toilet seat covers, carpool lanes, special carpool lane privileges for hybrid cars, special parking spaces for hybrid cars, guaranteed acceptance to MIT if you drive a hybrid car. Just kidding on the last one. You also get a full scholarship. Ill be spending my summer in Japan, so it was a good chance to fully immerse myself in American culture, eat as much diner food as possible, and see the great midwest. The MISTI program (MIT Science and Technology Initiative) is paying for my flights, housing, and general life in Tokyo, as well as lined up a sweet job for me working as a research technician at RIKEN Brain Science Institute, so Im pretty excited to declog my arteries and eat a meal that doesnt come with fries. Im also pretty excited to get totally and completely lost on the Japanese Railway, discover my four semesters of Japanese have not nearly prepared me for surviving a foreign country, and celebrate my 21st birthday in a country where the drinking age is 20. Summer 2K9, guys; its gonna be a blast. AND I PROMISE TO BLOG IT! For realsies! In the meanwhile, Id love to answer any of your questions about junior year (most of which I did not blog), MISTI, where to stay for cheap if youre stopping through Kingman, Arizona, or who I am. Since I havent blogged since approximately before the time most of you were born, I might need to reintroduce myself: Im Jess, and I need to go to the bathroom. Ill see you from the other side of the international date line!
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Custom Cyber-Terrorism Essay Sample
Cyber-Terrorism Essay Sample Cyber-terrorism can be defined as a politically or socially motivated attack on computer systems, networks, and information stored therein with an intention of intimidating or coercing the government and its citizen. Cyber- terrorism is carried out by political groups and agents in order to cause violence against citizens or property, or generate fear by causing severe harm. A cyber- terrorist has ability to alter, disrupt or alter the functionality of these computer systems by creating and delivering computer viruses through wireless or cable connection (Clarke Knake, 2012). Cyber-space refers to a domain created through interconnection of wireless devices, routers, fiber optic cables, satellites, switches, and other components, which enable fast storage, modification, and exchange of data through computer networks and associated infrastructure. It can, therefore, be thought of as an interconnection of people by use of information technologies disregard of physical geography. Cyberspace is usually man-made and keeps changing. Consequently, cyberspace cannot be thought of as a physical domain, but as a man-made domain comprising of networks, operators, data, and other related systems. People can have anonymous access to cyberspace thereby creating an environment for a wide range of malicious activities (Singer Friedman, 2014). Cyber-criminals comprise various categories of actors. The first category is the people who are just after making money. The second category of actors is the competitors who are out for crucial information that may provide them with competitive advantage. The third and most critical category is the state-sponsored attacks. The attacker attempts to weaken the government strategies by attacking crucial infrastructure or apparatus of national economic systems. Therefore, there is a need to initiate development of the policy, safe operation procedures, domestic and international laws to counter the crime (Singer Friedman, 2014). The local police do not have jurisdiction over cyber-terrorism. The local police investigate a federal crime and determine the law that has been violated. The complexity with cyber-terrorism relates to the geographical jurisdiction. The laws differ from one state to another. It is, therefore, illegal for a police officer to arrest someone in another state. In addition, a person in one state may be doing something that is not illegal in his or her state. This is despite the activity being a crime in another state. The police may also have challenges in collecting evidence, as well as locating the exact place, where the crime took place. This is because there are numerous ways of hiding identity through masking of IP addresses. Attempts to track the identity may spark serious issues relating to privacy (Clarke Knake, 2012). The police can get jurisdiction over the crime and make an arrest in another location. First, the states can come together to adopt consistent laws that clearly define legal procedures relating to cyber-terrorism. The local police will, therefore, be in a position to cooperate with their counterparts in other states in dealing with the menace. The laws can also be extended to involve other countries that are outside the United States. The encouraging thing is that countries are realizing the harm and danger that cybercrime poses to their countries. Hence, countries are willing to adopt consistent laws. Secondly, it can be done by forming inter-jurisdictional task forces among countries and states in order to deal with cybercrime that extends beyond national and state boundaries. These measures are going to ensure effective cybercrime security. The crime can be investigated and prosecuted by FBI. However, the jurisdiction of their operations is limited to the United States. FBI cannot arrest a person from another country. The FBI has collaborated with forty one different countries to enable it employ sophisticated methods to coordinate and investigate responses relating to cyber incidents throughout the world. It has also set up National Infrastructure Protection Center to coordinate investigations in the United States. The center also maintains a computer forensic laboratory to preserve evidence, as well as conduct sophisticated data recovery. The center is also preserved for research and development. The FBI commences investigations if there is a violation of a federal criminal code, and which lies within the jurisdiction of the FBI. Investigations can also be done if the attorney general finds them worthy and agrees to commence prosecution if the components of the federal violation can be substantiated. However, jurisdic tional issues remain a challenge to the U.S. There are countries that have not yet realized the need for collaboration or are ignorant of the harm that cyber-terrorism poses. However, the information is spreading fast enough and countries are awaking to the reality (Singer Friedman, 2014). There are no clear laws in specific states relating to cyber-terrorism. Conversely, cyber-terrorism is handled by the FBI, Secret Service, and Homeland Security. An example of cyber-terrorism occurred in 2013, when a hacked Twitter account was used to spread propaganda that there were explosions at White House. The rumor caused a plunge in the stock market, where it experienced $130 billion loss. Another example is the Skywiper and Flamer virus that attacked computer systems in Middle Eastern countries in 2012 for espionage purposes (Clarke Knake, 2012). If the crime is not against the law, where the person committing the crime is located, a country may request for extradition. This is where a country or state surrenders an identified terrorist to the other country or state. However, the process is difficult and at times impossible since a country has no obligation to surrender a suspect to the requesting country unless it has signed a treaty, in which it has agreed to do so. However, extradition requires double criminality since the conduct must be a crime in both countries. In brief conclusion, cyber-terrorism presents a real threat to the security of nations of the world. Local police should be empowered to deal with the menace. FBI should collaborate with other countries to ensure safe world. We provide argumentative essay writing assistance or any other type of academic paper that you could possibly need. Blog tags:Cyber-terrorism
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Biography of Darius the Great, Persian King
Darius the Great (550 BCE–486 BCE) was the fourth Persian king of the Achaemenid Empire. He ruled the empire at its height, when its lands included much of West Asia, the Caucasus, as well as parts of the Balkans, Black Sea coastal regions, North Caucasus, and Central Asia. Under Darius rule, the kingdom stretched to the Indus Valley in the far east and portions of north and northeast Africa including Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. Fast Facts: Darius the Great Known For: Persian king at the height of the Achaemenid EmpireAlso Known As: Darius I, DarayavauÃ… ¡, DariamauiÃ… ¡, DariiamuÃ… ¡, DrywhwÃ… ¡Born: 550 BCEParents: Hystaspes, RhodoguneDied: 486 BCE in IranChildren: Darius had at least 18 childrenSpouses: Parmys, Phaidime, Atossa, Artystone, PhratagoneNotable Quote: Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve. Early Life Darius was born in 550 BCE His father was Hystaspes and his grandfather was Arsames, both of whom were Achaemenids. In ascending the throne, Darius noted in his own autobiography that he traced his lineage to Achaemenes. From long ago, said Darius, We are princely, from long ago our family was royal. Eight of my family were formerly kings, I am the ninth; nine are we in two lines. That was a bit of propaganda: Darius achieved his rule of the Achmaenids chiefly by overcoming his opponent and rival for the throne Gaumata. Dariuss first wife was a daughter of his good friend Gobryas, although we dont know her name. His other wives included Atossa and Artystone, both daughters of Cyrus; Parmys, the daughter of Cyruss brother Bardiya; and the noblewomen Phratagune and Phaidon. Darius had at least 18 children. Accession of Darius Darius ascended to the Achmaenid throne at the tender age of 28, despite the fact that his father and grandfather were still alive. His predecessor was Cambyses, the son of Cyrus the Great and Cassandane, who ruled the Achaemenid empire between 530 and 522 BCE Cambyses died from natural causes, but he left his throne in dispute. By right, Cambyses heir should have been his brother Bardiyaâ€â€Darius claimed Bardiya had been slain by Cambyses, but somebody showed up claiming he was the missing brother and heir to the throne. According to Dariuss version of events, the imposter Gaumata arrived after Cambyses death and claimed the vacated throne. Darius slew Gautama, thereby restoring the rule to the family. Darius was not a close relative of the family so it was important for him to legitimize his rule by claiming descent from an ancestor of Cyrus. This and details of Darius violent treatment of Gautama and the rebels are inscribed on a large relief at Bisitun (Behistun), in three different languages: Old Persian, Elamite, and Akkadian. Carved into a cliff face 300 feet above the Royal Road of the Achaemenids, the text was not legible to the passersby, although the images of Gautama being subjected certainly were. Darius saw that the cuneiform text was widely circulated throughout the Persian Empire. In the Behistun Inscription, Darius explains why he has the right to rule. He says he has the Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda on his side. He claims royal blood lineage through four generations to the eponymous Achaemenes, the father of Teispes, who was the great-grandfather of Cyrus. Darius says his own father was Hystaspes, whose father was Arsanes, whose father was Ariamnes, a son of this Teispes. Notable Accomplishments Darius expanded the Persian empire from the Sakas beyond Sogdiana to the Kush, and from Sind to Sardis. He also refined and expanded the Persian satrapy form of administrative rule, dividing his empire into 20 pieces and providing each piece an authority (generally a relative) to rule over them, and placing additional security measures to reduce revolt. Darius moved the Persian capital from Pasagardae to Persepolis, where he had built a palace and a treasury, where the enormous wealth of the Persian empire would be safely stored for 200 years, only to be looted by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE. He constructed the Royal Road of the Achaemenids from Susa to Sardis, connecting the far-flung satrapies and building staffed way stations so no one had to ride more than a day to deliver the post. Additionally, Darius: Completed the first version of the Suez Canal, leading from the Nile to the Red Sea;Was renowned for innovations in water control, including an extensive set of irrigation canals and wells known as qanats throughout his empire;Was known as a law-giver when serving as the king of Egypt during the Late Period. Death and Legacy Darius died in 486 BCE following an illness at about the age of 64. His coffin was buried at Naqsh-e Rostam. On his tomb is inscribed a memorial, in cuneiform script in Old Persian and Akkadian, stating what Darius wanted people to say about himself and his relationship with Ahura Mazda. It also lists the people over whom he claimed power: Media, Elam, Parthia, Aria, Bactria, Sogdia, Chorasmia, Drangiana, Arachosia, Sattagydia, Gandara, India, the haoma-drinking Scythians, the Scythians with pointed caps, Babylonia, Assyria, Arabia, Egypt, Armenia, Cappadocia, Lydia, the Greeks, the Scythians across the sea, Thrace, the sun hat-wearing Greeks, the Libyans, the Nubians, the men of Maka and the Carians. Dariuss successor was not his first born, but rather Xerxes, the oldest son of his first wife, Atossa, making Xerxes a grandson of Cyrus the Great. Both Darius and his son Xerxes participated in the Greco-Persian or Persian Wars. The last king of the Achaemenid Dynasty was Darius III, who ruled from 336–330 BCE Darius III was a descendant of Darius II (ruled 423-405 BCE), who was a descendant of King Darius I. Sources Cahill, Nicholas. The Treasury at Persepolis: Gift-Giving at the City of the Persians. American Journal of Archaeology 89.3 (1985): 373–89. Print.Colburn, Henry P. Connectivity and Communication in the Achaemenid Empire. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 56.1 (2013): 29–52. Print.Daryaee, Touraj. The Construction of the Past in Late Antique Persia. Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte 55.4 (2006): 493–503. Print.Magee, Peter, et al. The Achaemenid Empire in South Asia and Recent Excavations at Akra in Northwest Pakistan. American Journal of Archaeology 109.4 (2005): 711–41. Print.Olmstead, A. T. Darius and His Behistun Inscription. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 55.4 (1938): 392–416. Print.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Inequality Is My Wicked Problem - 1211 Words
Inequality is my wicked problem. It affects everyone regardless of who you are or where you come from. Every person is different and different isn’t always seen as good. People will treat you differently because of your differences and this inequality is represented in so many different forms that we do not know how to stop it. I will approach this topic by viewing it through the eyes of a political scientist and an anthropologist. By tackling this problem through this filter, I can attempt to identify the regulations held by the government that prevent the eradication of inequality; as well as, locating societal norms that support inequality through behaviors and lifestyles among various communities. This research will help better our future by teaching people how to treat one another equally and will provide future generations with opportunities not yet available to us. In the article, The Politics of Inequality in America: A Political Economy Framework, it is argued that government policies have widened the economic equality since the 1970’s and contributed to the financial and economic breakdowns since 2008. To research this, they analyzed primary documents and popular theories from scholars, such as Mills â€Å"power elite†model, and used them to identify economic problems of inequality during those times. The approach used by many political scientists focuses mainly on primary sources which helps discover laws we have that keeps inequality in place. An anthropologyShow MoreRelatedThe City Of Detroit1587 Words  | 7 Pagesa critic interacting with this â€Å"thing†I deduce that it reflects my values and aspirations as a designer because as stated in my ethos, it challenges the viewers to reflect and to act upon them. It allows for individuals to think about what object creates meaning in their lives by seeing examples provided by my work. The Heildberg project was created using artifacts that contributed to the history and value of the city of Detroit. My project also allows for individuals to explore their creativityRead MoreWomen s Rights During The Victorian Age1486 Words  | 6 PagesDespite being under the rule of a female monarch, women faced many inequalities and suffering during the Victorian age. Examples of these inequalities include not having the right to vote, unequal educational and employment opportunities. Women were even denied the legal right to divorce in most cases. As the Norton Anthology state s, these debates over women’s rights and their roles came to be known as the â€Å"woman question†by the Victorians. This lead to many conflicting struggles, such as the desireRead MoreHow Design Can Fall Into Two Categories : Affirmative And Critical Design1925 Words  | 8 PagesThis â€Å"thing†ties in with a second theoretical concept I have come in contact with in my courses and research. The concept, developed by Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby is the idea of empowering individuals through the use of critical design. They stress the importance of making individuals think by asking them carefully crafted questions which pushes the cultural and aesthetic potential of works. The author’s research explain how design can fall into two categories: affirmative and critical designRead MoreAlbert Camus The Fall1745 Words  | 7 PagesAlbert Camus is known all over the world as a French philosopher who contributed to the ideas of absurdism. He is also known for his philosophical literature. More specifically I want to focus my attention to what some people may call a book that influenced many generations. This name of the book is called â€Å"The Fall†. In this book, the reader views a different perspective of life from a character called monsieur Jean-Baptiste Clamence. Through this character Camus challenges the reader to look throughRead MoreMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer1226 Words  | 5 Pagesdeathâ€â€for the opposing side. It seems truly unfortunate that this short story has not reached the same mass audience and level of fame as the better-known Twain classics. For just as a novel like Huckleberry Finn serves as a searing critique of racial inequality, â€Å"The War-Prayer†offers a dark satire on society’s willful blindness to the ramifications of jingoistic patriotism. In â€Å"The War Prayer†Twain argues against the philosophy of imperialism. This essay was written in 1900’s when America was caughtRead MoreGender Inequality In Hamlet1261 Words  | 6 PagesAs I perused through CNN, an article titled â€Å"Why China has so few female leaders†caught my attention. According to the article, The Baju Culture, discriminatory policy and the anti-feminism were the reasons China only had two female leaders. However, when observing the world trend, it seems many opportunities and resources are granted to women. Many articles of The New York Times reveal young women as being less dependent on men, higher achievers, ahead of men in education, receiving higher earningsRead MoreEducational Revolution Essay1649 Words  | 7 Pagesa degree. Im afraid that less social policies and higher fees will result in more inequality of opportunity. Im not completely against study loans as a supplementary instrument to study grants, but I think that in some countries, where study grants have been completely exchanged for loans, young people from disadvantaged backgrounds will not expose themselves to a highly indebted future. My policies are much more oriented to strengthening and reinforcing the existingRead MoreUniversal Health Care : Universal Healthcare1740 Words  | 7 Pages such as a municipal co-operation board or the state, and the medications are paid by a state agency. Universal health care systems are modestly redistributive. Progressivity of health care financing has limited implications for overall income inequality. This is usually enforced via legislation requiring residents to purchase insurance, but sometimes, in effect, the government provides the insurance. Sometimes there may be a choice of multiple public and private funds providing a standard serviceRead MoreGrimms Fairy Tales1300 Words  | 6 Pagesas creative as we are now. They also have helped us to talk to more people around the world and see what kinds of stories they like to read. Stories have impacted me in many more ways than one. They have given me more creativity as well as opened my mind to new places, people and things. When you read, you get sucked into another world. It allows you to escape reality for a while. One day Mr. Boardman announced that we were going to be doing a research paper on fairy tales/fables/folktales.Read MoreCalling Apple, Inc. to Take Action on Human Trafficking Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesenslaved. However, as business community, only a small group of firms engage in this issue, and fulfill their social responsibilities. Being the one of the most valuable companies in the world, Apple, Inc should also pay attention to human trafficking problem, participate and put its efforts into addressing human trafficking; thus to become a leading role of highly social responsibility in business community. (Schemenauer, E. C. 2011) Background information About human trafficking Human trafficking is
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drug Abuse A Rising Concern in America - 1359 Words
Have you ever wondered why drug abuse is a rising concern in this nation? Have you ever wondered what types of drugs get abused? Drug abuse is the new leading cause of death over vehicle related accidents, How drugs have overcome our society and innocence. Drug abuse is a growing problem that is sweeping across our nation. The many stresses of today’s modern living adds a new level to how children are raised, the influences surrounding them and the resources available. Universally the influence of drugs touches each individual at some point in their lives whether through a loved one, friend or oneself using drugs illegally. In order to begin making a plan to help a drug abuser or yourself you must first understand the facts about the drug of choice. Lets start with discussing Vicodin, Oxycodone, Opana and Methadone. Vicodin is used as a pain reliever. The contents of Vicodin are hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Vicodin is considered a narcotic and should only be taken as prescribed. The effects of Vicodin can cause an individual to experience drowsiness, upset stomach, constipation , dry mouth and a headache. Usually once a Vicodin capsule is ingested within twenty to thirty minutes one may not feel any pain and have the sensation of floating on the clouds. Vicodin can disturb ones thinking and reactions. If taken as prescribed for pain this drug can help an individual greatly, if not abused. Oxycodone is similar to Vicodin except it is mostly usedShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse Among Teenagers : A Survey1201 Words  | 5 PagesSubstance Abuse Among Teenagers Hannah is a fifteen year old girl who was recently sent to a rehabilitation center for the result of abuse of prescription medication. 6.1 million high school students currently use addictive substances, and like Hannah, 1 in 3 of them are addicted (â€Å"National Study Reveals,†2011). Although the number of teens using these drugs are decreasing, the numbers are still dangerously high. Due to it’s high risk of addiction, dangerous consequences, and growing availabilityRead MoreWhy Is The Opioid Continues To Plague America1075 Words  | 5 PagesOpioid Crisis Continues to Plague America Steven H. Prassas Pensacola State College Opioid Crisis Continues to Plague America The opioid epidemic in America continues to grow at an alarming rate with no end in sight. All narcotics are derived from the opium poppy plant and then manufactured into different forms of drugs such as morphine, heroin, and other pharmaceutical and synthetic opioid drugs sold on the market for pain. Opium derived drugs block and suppress pain by binding to and stimulatingRead MoreEssay about social polarisation1224 Words  | 5 PagesCourse: Tutor: Date: Social Polarization in Latin America and the Carribean Introduction Social polarisation is the widening gap within a given society that emerges from income disparities within individuals causing various social groups, from high income to low income. It entails the expansion of jobs that require low skills while at the same time, jobs that require higher professionals and expertise still experience growth. There is a rising concern on issues of social polarisation and cohesion thatRead MoreTeen Abuse Prescription Drug Abuse1422 Words  | 6 Pagesthree leading drugs used and abused by teenagers in America. According to Elizabeth Larsen, â€Å"The Centers for Disease Control classifies prescription drug abuse as the worst drug epidemic in United States history†(Larsen p.4). This is the worst drug epidemic in history because of the percentage of teenage usage. Based on different studies, pills are the most commonly abused drug among twelve- and thirteen- year olds because of how easy they are to access. In fact, many teens that abuse prescrip tionRead MoreDrugs And Illegal Possession And Trafficking1409 Words  | 6 PagesBelieve it or not, drugs have been around for thousands of years. In the medical field, drugs are any type of medicine (or other substance), which has a physiological effect when it is ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Drugs can produce both harmful and beneficial effects once it is consumed and, â€Å"decisions about when and how to use them therapeutically always involve balancing the benefits and risks†(Rang 1). Drugs approved for human use are available through prescription and canRead MoreWelfare Drug Testing1506 Words  | 7 PagesName Teacher Class Date Drug Testing: Well-Fitting for Welfare â€Å"According to a new study released by the World Health Organization, the U.S leads the world and takes the gold for the use of tobacco, pot, and cocaine, far outpacing other countries†(US Ranks #1). According to an article on America abuses drugs worse than any other country. It is no secret that the United States’ economy is nearing an all time low. With the economy being nearly as bad as ever in the history of ourRead MorePropostition 36 Essay example1210 Words  | 5 Pages Where has our war on drugs gotten us thus far? Currently, nearly 500,000 Americans are incarcerated for drug law violations, a ten-fold increase in two decades. The overall inmate population has quadrupled to nearly 2 million arrests for drug law violations and continues to rise. The vast majority of these arrests are for simple possession. (Crime in The United States, Uniform Crime Reports, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1999.) Personally, three convicted drug-users have shared their battleRead MoreSteroids Are Legal For Sell1058 Words  | 5 Pagesson s alleged steroid-induced suicide (more on that character in a minute). And, apart from the ravages of alcohol abuse, livers and kidneys are intact and functioning. Murders are not being pinned on juice. The lives of the precious youth is unharmed. Contrast this with America, a country just a porous line in the sand away from Mexico, where steroids are an illegal, Schedule III drug, and where congressmen have declared a national public health crisis because livers are rotting, kidneys are failingRead MorePottstown Violence926 Words  | 4 Pages Assessment of violence in Pottstown, PA Situated just 30 miles northwest of Philadelphia, Pottstown has the fourth worst property crime rate in the state of Pennsylvania (Neighborhood Crime Data, 2017). With crime ranking among the top concerns, it is worth taking a closer look at just how bad crime is in Pottstown. While shootings tend to grab the headlines, other types of crimes remain high such as aggravated assault, robbery, larcenies, and thefts from auto which are crimes of opportunities.Read MoreMedical Marijuana Should Be Legal1053 Words  | 5 Pagesalso called cannabis, is used in some places as a medication to treat diseases and symptoms. Many people consider it helpful and harmless making it the most used illicit drug in North America. With legalizing medical marijuana people can alleviate some health problems and help ease physical pain, but it also can bring many concerns, questions, and responsibility. Legalizing cannabis can help many people with their health conditions. There are some advantages to taking medical marijuana opposed to
Unfair practice procedure Free Essays
This event was held as portion of the on-going support made available to academic schools to back up consistent application of the Unfair Practice Procedure, and to portion pattern in the usage of plagiarism sensing tools and schemes that help avoid plagiarism. The event was divided into the three elements below: A sum-up of the usage made of the Unfair Practice Procedure, and a opportunity to discourse issues originating from this ; Discussion of the usage made of Turnitin and the online tools that can assist raise consciousness of plagiarism ; A short presentation by three International Students on the different attacks to analyze they have encountered before come ining UK higher instruction. 1 ) The Unfair Practice Procedure A sum-up of the instances considered by the University Committee of Enquiry was presented, along with the available informations on the instances considered within schools, and remarks made by External Examiners on this issue. We will write a custom essay sample on Unfair practice procedure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Small group treatment followed between participants, which led a figure of issues being identified that relate to the Committee of Enquiry. These included the position of some schools that the Committee has been excessively lenient in some instances, and that the processs used by the Committee remain really nerve-racking to staff involved. It was noted that this has resulted in some schools being unwilling to use the process. 2 ) Prevention and Detection Tools A brief presentation was given of a scope of online tools that are available to back up Cardiff pupils in this country, including the A ; lsquo ; Student Guide to Academic Integrity ‘ , A ; lsquo ; Plagiarism Learning Objects within the Information Literacy Resource Bank ‘ , and the A ; lsquo ; Plagiarism and How to Avoid it ‘ tutorial now available through Blackboard. This was followed by treatment of the increased usage that is being made of the Turnitin plagiarism sensing package, and of the issues that surround its usage. Points originating from this treatment included the demand to be cognizant of possible additions in assessment-related disposal, and the possible value of the tool to back up formative appraisals. 3 ) The View of International Students Following a sum-up of the survey patterns that international pupils have admitted to, the concluding portion of the workshop saw three international pupils offer their position on the different cultural and study traditions that exist in the UK compared with their place states, and the differing outlooks of their current schools and support mechanisms available. The positions provided echo the recent research findings, which have highlighted the scope of different challenges that international pupils face in this country. These include traditions that focus on a cultural worldview where regard for betters and seniors is paramount, an accent on rote acquisition, and a focal point on multiple pick inquiries and scrutinies that rely on memory. The event concluded by observing that larning to run within western academic conventions, for international pupils, is kindred to larning a new linguistic communication. the resources linked to from this page have been collated to help academic staff when they suspect an unjust pattern has taken topographic point in a coursework appraisal. The undermentioned resources can be accessed from this page: Unfair Practice – Staff Guidance [ 83.2 Kb ] This note covers the undermentioned countries: definition of unjust pattern, how to forestall unjust pattern in coursework, and the stairss that must be followed when an unjust pattern is suspected. The Unfair Practice Regulations as detailed in the Academic Regulations Handbook. These contain inside informations of the process that must be used. TheTurnitin Plagiarism Detection Service is an on-line tool that can assist place cases of unjust pattern. Information and advice about accessing the service is availablehere. A new individual instance record has been adopted for cases of unjust pattern. Flow charts have besides been developed to assist steer staff through the process. These can be accessed from the resources subdivision. A suite of standard letters has been provided to help staff involved in the application of the new Unfair Practice Procedure. The undermentioned missive templets are available to download from the Resources subdivision of this page: Letter 1: Unfair Practice Co-ordinator ask foring pupil to go to a meeting Letter 2: Unfair Practice Co-ordinator directing pupil the notes of the meeting Letter 3: Chair of Exam Board to student who failed to go to the initial meeting Letter 4: Chair of Exam Board to student where the determination is that unjust pattern has occured, and advising pupil of the punishment Letter 5: Chair of Exam Board to student where the determination is that no unjust pattern occurred and no farther action will be taken 5.0Unfair pattern in a formal scrutiny: initial phases 5.1 When it is considered or suspected that a campaigner is prosecuting in unjust pattern, the campaigner shall be informed, sooner in the presence of a informant, that the fortunes will be reported. The campaigner shall, nevertheless, be allowed to go on the scrutiny and any subsequent scrutiny ( s ) without bias to any determination that may be taken. Failure to give such a warning shall non, nevertheless, prejudice subsequent proceedings. When appropriate, the invigilator shall impound and retain grounds associating to any alleged unfair scrutiny pattern, so that it is available to any subsequent probe. The invigilator shall every bit shortly as possible study the fortunes in authorship, with any grounds retained, to the Superintendent of Examinations, who shall in bend inform the Chair of the relevant Examining Board. In the instance of a trial contributing to the concluding faculty consequence, which is conducted under the auspices of the section, the invigilator shall describe to the Chair of the Examining Board, who in bend shall describe to the Overseer 5.2 Suspected unjust pattern detected during or after the marker period An internal or external tester or any other individual who, whether during the marking period or later, considers or suspects that a campaigner has engaged in an unjust pattern, shall describe the affair in composing to the Chair of the relevant Examining Board every bit shortly as possible. The Chair shall retain any relevant grounds and shall forthwith study the affair in composing to the Superintendent of Examinations. The Overseer of Examinations shall so take the action prescribed below. 5.3Further action to be taken by the Superintendent of Examinations On reception of a study refering an allegation of unjust pattern, the Superintendent of Examinations shall discourse the affair with the Chair of the relevant Examining Board to find whether, in the visible radiation of all the fortunes, a Prima facie instance has been established. If it is decided that no farther action against the campaigner should be taken, the Chair of the relevant Examining Board shall, where appropriate, inform the campaigner in composing that the affair is closed. If satisfied that such a instance exists, the Superintendent shall describe the instance in composing to the Registrar and shall direct to him/her transcripts of any relevant supporting grounds. The process shown shall so run as described. The Registrar shall inform the campaigner in authorship of the allegation, and that a Committee of Inquiry will be constituted to see the instance. The campaigner ‘s attending shall be drawn to the Academic Regulation on Unfair Practice. Contentss Definition of Unfair Practice|Unfair Practice in a Formal Examination – Initial Stages|All Cases of Unfair Practice in Work Completed Under Non-examinable Conditions|School Level Cases|Appeals against a instance at School level|Cases to be referred to the University ‘s Committee of Enquiry|Unfair pattern in work completed in Taught Master ‘s Dissertations and Research Degree Theses – Initial Stages|Establishment of the University ‘s Committee of Enquiry to cover with instances of Unfair Practice|Functions of the Committee|Procedure during the meeting|Penalties available to the # Committee for unjust pattern in scrutiny conditions|Penalties available to the Committee of Enquiry in instances of Unfair Practice in non-examination conditions|Penalties available to the Committee in instances of Unfair Practice in Research grades ( including Part II Taught Masters grades ) |Action to be taken following the Committee of Enquiry|Appeals How to cite Unfair practice procedure, Essay examples
Domestic Violence Notes free essay sample
Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, dating abuse, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is a pattern of behavior which involves the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage, cohabitation, dating or within the family. Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects, battery), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g. , neglect); and economic deprivation. Alcohol consumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges in eliminating domestic violence. Awareness, perception, definition and documentation of domestic violence differs widely from country to country, and from era to era. Domestic violence and abuse is not limited to obvious physical violence. Domesti c violence can also mean endangerment, criminal coercion, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, trespassing, harassment, and stalking. Laws on domestic violence vary by country. We will write a custom essay sample on Domestic Violence Notes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While it is generally outlawed in the Western World, this not the case in many developing countries. For instance, in 2010, the United Arab Emiratess Supreme Court ruled that a man has the right to physically discipline his wife and children as long as he does not leave physical marks. The social acceptability of domestic violence also differs by country. While in most developed countries domestic violence is considered unacceptable by most people, in many regions of the world the views are different: according to a UNICEF survey, the percentage of women aged 15–49 who think that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife under certain circumstances is, for example: 90% in Jordan, 85. 6% in Guinea, 85. 4% in Zambia, 85% in Sierra Leone, 81. 2% in Laos, and 81% in Ethiopia.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Essay on South Park as Parody of Society Essay Example For Students
Essay on South Park as Parody of Society Essay South Park as Parody of Society South Park began airing in 1997. The commercials that preceded it gave the impression of it being another stupid cartoon; however, when I began watching, I realized important issues were being covered through the repeated behaviors and actions of its characters, through the influences these actions could have on the viewers, through the reinforcement and rejections of certain stereotypes, through the long-term effects that could result from watching the program, and through its reflection of social reality. Some of the repeated behaviors and actions of the characters include one of the children (Kenny) dying during each episode (followed by Stan yelling, Oh, my God! Theyve killed Kenny (South Park).); the children ragging the overweight kid; the African-American chef obsessing about sex; and the geneticist performing insane experiments in his spooky laboratory. Kenny has been shot, run over by a train, impaled on a flag pole, beheaded, crushed by Mir, and taken by Death himselfto name a few. Cartman, the overweight kid, has been called fat ass, lard ass, and the fat kid (South Park). There are numerous references to his weight throughout each episode; he eats continuously, thanks to his Mothers cooking and offering cookies, chocolate-chicken pot pies, and Cheesy Poofs. Each time Chef (voice of Isaac Hayes) offers to explain important issues to the kids, he breaks into a song about making sweet love to a woman. This leaves the children wondering just what the heck he is trying to say. There are references to his having sex with every available (and even unavailable) female in the town. There is a take-off of The Island of Dr. Moreau with a geneticistmimicking Marlon Bran. .in most of the episodes these negative actions and beliefs are dealt with in a manner that seeks to alleviate them. Unfortunately, this manner of alleviation is found in the subtext, and most people are not willing to look that far; it requires too much effort. Frighteningly, the show is a parody of society itself. In film, parody is usually the death-knell of a particular genre. Years ago, I read that Ren and Stimpy (another cartoon) was proof of the decline of our civilization because of its attacks on societal norms. Could South Park be further proof of this decline, or is it just a funny cartoon that allows us to laugh at ourselves while dealing with our fears? Bibliography South Park. Prod. Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Comedy Central, New York. 1997. Superman. Dir. Richard Donner. Perf. Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman. Dovemead Film Export, 1978.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
College Essay Topics - How to Choose Essay Topics For Your College Application
College Essay Topics - How to Choose Essay Topics For Your College ApplicationDo you have an idea for a College Essay topic? Do you have ideas for essay topics that you would like to write? If you are like many other students who want to give their best as possible to their future career, then you need to know the different methods for writing college essays and choosing the best one.There are many things that you need to consider when choosing which college essay topics you want to use to get into college. It is important that you know all of the ways that you can research about this subject and what the different methods are so that you are not taken by surprise and can choose the topic that you are interested in.The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you have your college essay topics ready to go. This is the first thing that you should check before any college application or interview. Be sure that you have researched thoroughly all of the essay topics you might be interested in. Make sure that you choose the essay topics that are relevant to the areas you would like to go into once you enter college.After you have your essay topics made, you will want to make sure that you check on the subject matter that you will be dealing with when you are in college. There are different areas of study and there are different methods that you can use when writing an essay on a particular area of study. You can find different essay topics online so that you can research some more and then come up with your own best essay topic.Another important thing that you should do is make sure that you practice in writing your essays and test the different methods you will use when writing your essays. This will help you in making sure that you are able to write a great essay and will allow you to see the different methods that you can use when writing a college essay. Also, make sure that you go to the library and pick up some reference books that are written by othe r students in order to get ideas for your college essay topics.Writing a great essay is important and it can have a big impact on whether or not you get into college. After you have all of the tips that you need, it is important that you make sure that you follow them and that you check on your resume as well. This will help you be able to get the highest grades in school so that you can be in a position to get an excellent job after you graduate.College essay topics are a great thing to work on in order to make sure that you are getting a good score on your SAT or ACT. They are also a good way to show what type of student you are so that you can get into any college that you would like to go to. Check online to find some college essay topics that you would like to use to help you with your school essay topic.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Bombardier Case free essay sample
The Problem Bombardier is the global leader in business and regional aircraft manufacturing and in recent years has been improving their performance. Their strategic objective has always been to be global leaders in both their aerospace and transportation divisions. However, there have been frequent leadership changes since the diversification era ended in 1999, and many analysts and investors have been questioning what their long-term strategy in the aerospace industry is, especially since the postponement of the CSeries launch. Their regional jet product line is a concern with the aging technologies of the CRJ and Q-Series models. And the threat of the Chinese, Japanese and Russians entering the market is imminent. It remains clear that Bombardier now faces the challenge of having to carefully assess its strategic direction for the future in order to hold its competitive advantage in regional jet market. External Analysis Bombardier is part of the Aerospace and transportation industries, but the focal industry in question is the regional aircraft industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Bombardier Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In order to conduct an external analysis, Porter’s 5 Forces Model will be used. Threat of New Entrants: is moderate. If the Chinese and Russian projects don’t follow through (since they would be the direct competitors to the CRJ1000 and CSeries), it would be extremely difficult for other competitors to enter the market because the costs associated are relatively high. For example, the initial cost of Bombardier’s CSeries project reached $100 million as of April 2007, and the estimated cost of the entire project is $2 billion (All figures are presented in USD). Also, there are very powerful firms established in the industry and for a new firm to enter they would have to compete with firms already on the lower end of the learning curve (See Exhibit 1). Bargaining Power of Suppliers: is moderate. There is no threat of suppliers lowering quality because of the high standards set by industry regulators. However, there is always risk of price increases. There aren’t a vast number of suppliers in the industry, and their parts are extremely important in the manufacturing process. Furthermore, Bombardier has integrated technologies and components with their suppliers that are specific to their requirements. As a result, the switching costs would be extremely high, and the availability of substitutes is almost nil. Bargaining Power of Buyers: is moderate to high. Passengers’ preferences changed over time from comfort to low price. Since the passengers are the end users in this industry, airline companies must meet their needs. Therefore, passenger preference is the deciding factor when choosing which aircraft to purchase. The fact that there are several competing manufacturers to choose from adds to this power. Also, the switching costs are low since airline companies deal with many manufacturers regardless of what they have previously purchased. What is important for buyers is to acquire aircraft that will meet their customers’ needs and leave them with low operating costs. Threat of Substitute Products: is low. There are alternatives to planes, such as cars, trains, and buses. However, there is no replacement when it comes to traveling large distances in short periods of time. Rivalry Among Existing Competitors: is moderate to high. Bombardier’s main competitor in this industry is Embraer, however there are several countries (China, Russia) attempting to enter the market. The intense rivalry already exists between Bombardier and Embraer since they’ve both been introducing many new products over the past decade. Also, the low profit margins are a result of this intense competition. Furthermore, governments play an important role because they support their national manufacturers to protect them from foreign competition. Strategic Implications of Analysis Results: Currently, Bombardier is in a favorable position. They are the leaders for business and regional jets. Though, the aging technology of the CRJ and Q series models is a problem that needs to be addressed. Fuel-efficiency is a big issue with the rising price of oil and in order to maintain their competitive advantage, they need to develop new products that will make them the most energy-efficient and have the lowest operating costs. As for the future of the regional jet market, the demand is moving towards aircrafts with 100 to 150 seats and the global market is shifting toward BRIC countries. In this emerging market, Bombardier must continuously be innovative to stay ahead of the potential competition coming from China and Russia. Internal Analysis The VRIN model has been selected to evaluate the potential core competencies (resources, capabilities) Bombardier may have, resulting in a competitive advantage (see Exhibit 2). *Potential Core Competencies 1. Relationships with manufacturers of major components, suppliers of important parts, and repair and maintenance companies, resulting in strategic partnerships. 2. Diversified portfolio of products in the Business Jets Segment and Regional Jets Segment. 27% and 51% market share respectfully (See Exhibit 3). 3. CRJ’s reputation for being energy-efficient and the most popular regional aircraft series in history. 4. Unique design and engineering, resulting in aesthetically appealing aircraft with market leading fuel-efficiency and low operating costs. 5. Productivity and operational effectiveness. For 2006, Bombardier Aerospace’s gross profit per employee was $24,444 compared to direct competitor Embraer’s gross profit per employee which was $40,142 (See Exhibit 4). Strategic Implication of Analysis Results: It is clear that their diversified portfolio, the CRJ reputation, and unique design and engineering of their aircrafts are the factors that give Bombardier a competitive advantage over their competitors. This demonstrates how Bombardier is unique and how they differentiate themselves from their competition. With the operational costs being the main factor for airline profitability, Bombardier holds a solid position in the marketplace and it is these competencies that will allow them to thrive. However, the relationship with their manufacturers and suppliers, and their productivity and operational effectiveness result in a competitive disadvantage and below average returns. If they are to sustain their competitive advantage, they must reduce their cost of revenues which is clearly hurting their profits (See Exhibit 4). Moving Forward Alternative 1 Proceed with the status quo. That would mean dropping the CSeries project and ontinuing to improve the CRJ model to eventually have capacity within 100-150 seats. Bombardier would be able to compete with its core competencies of a diversified portfolio, great reputation of the CRJ, and their unique design and engineering allowing them to be leaders in energy-efficiency. Pros: * Save time and money by not pursuing the CSeries project ($2 billion ). * Allow them to invest their resources in improving the CRJ model. * The CRJ is already the most popular regional jet model in history and offering an aircraft of 100-150 seats would address the future market demands. Cons: Lost time and money already invested in the CSeries ($100 million). * Doesn’t address the fundamental issue of the aging technologies in the CRJ and Q-Series models. * Confusion of the long-term strategy of the firm. * Not much innovation, not adapting to change. Alternative 2 Bombardier can further differentiate themselves by proceeding with the CSeries project to address several issues of the future. The CRJ1000 provides an immediate solution for higher capacity and comfort at lower operating costs. The CSeries would be specifically targeted for the 100-150 seats market of regional aircrafts. Pros: Address the fundamental issue of the aging technologies in the CRJ and Q-Series models. * Set the long-term strategy and goals of the firm, and provide stability for a firm that analysts believe to have a blurred vision and strategic uncertainty. * Fill a gap in the marketplace by replacing older generation planes of the same capacity and provide more comfort and efficiency. * Meet the future needs of the market for regional aircraft which is moving towards aircraft of 100- 150 seats (See Exhibit 5). Cons: * Significant investment ($2 billion) needed. * Uncertainty of market response to brand new line of regional jets. Unforeseen technological issues may arise (i. e. quality and after sale service required) * Will it provide good profit margins and satisfy shareholders and analysts expectations? Final Recommendation (Best Alternative) The future of the aerospace industry is changing. Geographically because of the emerging markets in the BRIC countries, representing 35% of global demand in 2005, and by category of aircraft, because of the increase in short and mid-range routes of regional airlines. Furthermore, airline companies’ profits are directly tied with operating costs making cost-effectiveness extremely important. The European Union put in place the Emissions Trading Scheme beginning in 2011, which will further increase the demand for fuel-efficient aircrafts. With both alternatives presented above, Bombardier would hold an advantage over its competitors, more so in alternative 2 with the launch of the CSeries (which would be the leader in fuel-efficiency). In order to select the best alternative and solution to the problem, a number of other factors must be analyzed. Firstly, the regional jet product line is a main concern since the technologies of the CRJ and Q-Series models are aging. With the demand for regional aircraft shifting towards jets with a capacity of 100 to 150 seats, Bombardier would need to provide an aircraft within that range. Alternative 1 could work if they develop a CRJ model that would meet the demand for that market, but it would not address the aging technologies. Alternative 2 would be best to solve this problem because developing a new generation of aircrafts with new technologies that are specifically targeted towards that market will allow Bombardier to maintain its competitive advantage and global leadership. Secondly, the aircraft industry is a cyclical industry. Therefore, planes within the range of 100 to 150 seats that were purchased many years ago will need to be replaced. Since the new trend is energy-efficiency, the airline companies will be looking meet this need. Currently, there are no aircrafts that would specifically meet the capacity needs of regional carriers. With the Chinese and Russians attempting to enter this market, the window of opportunity is getting smaller. Alternative 1 would not provide a direct solution to this problem because the aging technology of the CRJ (if Bombardier were to develop a model to meet the capacity) would not be able to compete with the new technologies of the Chinese and Russian models. Alternative 2 on the other hand, would provide the best solution to this problem because it would specifically meet the capacity and energy-efficiency needs of the market. In conclusion, alternative 2 is far more attractive than alternative 1 for all the reasons discussed. Additionally, it would provide Bombardier with a long-term strategy in the aerospace industry and allow them to maintain their competitive advantage and continue to fulfill their strategic objective, which has always been to be a global leader. Bibliography Source: Taleb, A. , Hebert, L. (2011). Bombardier Aerospace: The CSeries Dilemma. London Ontario: Ivey Publishing. Exhibit 1 LEARNING CURVE Source : http://hsimonis. wordpress. com/2010/07/26/building-fighter-aircraft/ Exhibit 2 VRIN MODEL *Potential Core Competencies| Valuable| Rare| Inimitable| Non-Substitutable| 1| Yes| No| No| No| 2| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| 3| Yes| Yes| Yes| Yes| | Yes| Yes| Yes| No| 5| Yes| No| No| No| Exhibit 3 BUSINESS AND REGIONAL JETS SEGMENT MARKET SHARE FOR 2006 Source: Taleb, A. , Hebert, L. (2011). Bombardier Aerospace: The CSeries Dilemma. London Ontario: Ivey Publishing. Exhibit 4 PRODUCTIVITY amp; OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, GROSS PROFIT MARGIN FOR Y/E 2006 Source: http://www2. bombardier. com/en/7_0/pd f/annual_report_2007. pdf Source : http://www1. embraer. com. br/relatorios_anuais/relatorio_2007/english/ Exhibit 5 DEMAND FOR REGIONAL AIRCRAFT lt;100 SEATS Source: Taleb, A. , Hebert, L. (2011). Bombardier Aerospace: The CSeries Dilemma. London Ontario: Ivey Publishing.
Friday, March 6, 2020
List of Obama Gun Control Measures and Executive Orders
List of Obama Gun Control Measures and Executive Orders President Barack Obamas record on gun control is a fairly weak one, even though he was often portrayed as the most anti-gun president in American history and called for more regulations in the wake of the numerous mass shootings that occurred during his two terms in office. We do not have to accept this carnage as the price of freedom, Obama said in 2016. The National Rifle Association once claimed Obamas obsession with gun control knows no boundaries. Did You Know? Only two gun laws made it through Congress during Obamas two terms in office, and neither placed additional restrictions on gun owners. In fact, the two gun laws signed by Obama actually expanded the rights of gun owners in the United States. Attempts to limit the size of gun magazines, expand background checks of gun buyers and ban gun sales to buyers on terrorism watch lists all failed to pass under Obama. Perhaps the most significant Obama gun control measure was not a law but a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report disability-benefit recipients with mental health conditions to the FBI’s background check system, which is used to screen firearm buyers. Obamas successor, Republican President Donald Trump, rescinded the rule in 2017. Obama Gun ControlProposals Had No Teeth That is not to say Obama was not critical of the use of guns to commit the numerous mass shootings and acts of terrorism during his tenure in the White House. Quite the opposite. Obama sharply criticized the gun lobby and the easy access to firearms. President Barack Obama pauses during a meeting to observe a moment of silence for Sandy Hook Victims. Pete Souza/Wikimedia Commons Obama also made curtailing gun violence a central theme of his second-term agenda after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in December 2012. The president signed executive orders calling for mandatory criminal background checks on gun-buyers and several other measures that were unpopular in Congress including a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. But he was unable to win passage of new laws and insisted authorities do more to enforce measures already on the books. Executive Actions Not Executive Orders Critics, however, point to Obamas issuance of 23 executive actions on gun violence in January 2016 as proof that the Democratic president was anti-gun. What most fail to point out is that those executive actions contained no new laws or regulations; and they were not executive orders, which are different than executive actions. For all the pomp and ceremony, nothing in the president’s proposals is going to put a dent in U.S. gun crime or even substantially change the federal legal landscape. In that sense, apoplectic opponents and overjoyed supporters are both probably overreacting, wrote Adam Bates, a policy analyst with the libertarian Cato Institutes Project on Criminal Justice. Gun Laws Signed by Obama Expanded Rights During his first term, Obama didnt call for any major new restriction on guns or gun owners. Instead, he urged authorities to enforce the state and federal laws already on the books. In fact, Obama signed only two major laws that address how guns are carried in America, and both actually expand the rights of gun owners. One of the laws allows gun owners to carry weapons in national parks; that law took effect in February 2012 and replaced President Ronald Reagans policy of required guns be locked in glove compartments of trunks of cars that enter national parks. Another gun law signed by Obama allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, a move that reversed a measure put in place after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. A Strong Tradition of Gun Ownership Obama often mentions the expansion of gun rights under those two laws. He wrote in 2011: In this country, we have a strong tradition of gun ownership thats handed from generation to generation. Hunting and shooting are part of our national heritage. And, in fact, my administration has not curtailed the rights of gun owners- it has expanded them, including allowing people to carry their guns in national parks and Obama repeatedly expressed support for the Second Amendment, explaining that If you’ve got a rifle, you’ve got a shotgun, you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it away. National Rifle Association HammersObama During the 2008 presidential campaign, the NRA Political Victory Fund mailed out tens of thousands of brochures to gun owners and like-minded voters that accused Obama of lying about his position on gun control. The brochure read: Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president in American history. Senator Obama says words matter. But when it comes to your Even though the president didnt sign a single bill into law limiting the use or purchase of guns the NRA Political Victory Fund continued to warn its members and like-minded voters during the 2012 election that Obama would make weapons a target in a second term. If Barack Obama wins a The NRA Political Victory Fund also falsely claimed that Obama had agreed to give the United Nations authority over the guns owned by Americans, saying: Obama has already endorsed moving ahead toward a U.N. gun ban treaty and will likely sign it after it’s negotiated.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Philosophy 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Philosophy 4 - Assignment Example Descartes’ mind-body duality is helpful to individuals who want to experience their minds explicitly and uniquely as a thing with a conscious (Descartes 32). I think this concept also secretly allows these individuals to experience their minds and bodies reversely. This means that when these people cannot distinguish their minds and bodies, they become lost. I disagree that humans are comprised of mind and body as separate entities. If human beings had two entities, they would have to illustrate this extension and prove that they cancel each other out, which they do not. As a philosophical approach, skepticism tries to render uncertain members of a group of propositions that individuals think are within our understanding. Skepticism can be considered a strong suit through logic and empirical evidence. Skepticism allows for the coherence of logic and empirical evidence in academia today. The weak point of skepticism philosophically is distrusts towards anyone’s idea or statements without criticism or proof, even when this person is in fact correct. Categorical imperative is the expression of ethical law as eventually implemented by logic and obedience from plain respect for logic (Kant 18). For example, I was once stuck at a red light known for remaining red for unreasonably long periods. I was late for class and there was no other vehicle or pedestrian crossing either of the roads. I wanted to run the red light, which decision into a moral law implying that I was comfortable with every driver running very red lights when they are late for
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Directors responsibility Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Directors responsibility - Coursework Example Another notable aspect is that the board acts as the epicentre of the organization and it links the investors and the individuals responsible for implementing the policies that make their respective organizations tick as well as ensuring accountability. Thus, corporate governance in this case refers to â€Å"rigorous supervision of the management of a company; it means ensuring that business is done competently, with integrity and with due regard for the interests of all stakeholders,†(Institute of Directors, 2014). Simply put, the Institute of Directors (2014) also posits to the effect that corporate governance relates to a combination of the following factors: legislation, non-legislative codes, self-regulation and best practice, structure, culture, and board competency. The operations of various organizations especially in the UK are guided by the legal framework obtaining in that particular country. Such laws are designed to protect the interests of different stakeholders with an interest in a business entity. McGregor (2000) aptly suggests that that corporate governance is practiced at different levels and the law is specifically designed to protect the interests of all the stakeholders involved. Duplessis (1999) concurs with this assertion when he states that the law overrides all individual interests. In as far as Company law is concerned in UK, it can be seen that the board of AstraZeneca acted in accordance to the laws. According to Company Law Solutions Limited (n.d), â€Å"the directors have such powers as are conferred on them by the articles of the company which are especially based on the Model Articles (companies registered post 1.10.2009.†This is promulgated by the Company’s Act 2006 which further stipulates that â€Å" the business of the company shall be managed by the directors who may exercise all the powers of the company....â€
Monday, January 27, 2020
Coffee Shop Business Plan
Coffee Shop Business Plan Java Culture coffee bar is determined to become a daily necessity for local coffee addicts, a place to dream of as you try to escape the daily stresses of life and just a comfortable place to meet your friends or to read a book, all in one. With the growing demand for high-quality gourmet coffee and great service, Java Culture will capitalize on its proximity to the University of Oregon campus to build a core group of repeat customers. The company will operate a 2,300 square foot coffee bar within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus. The owners have secured this location through a three-year lease with an option for extending. The have also provided $140,000 of the required $170,000 start-up funds. The remaining capital will be obtained through Bank of America commercial loans. The company is expected to grow sales revenue from $584,000 in FY2001 to $706,000 in year three. As Java Culture will strive to maintain a 65% gross profit margin and reasonable operating expenses, it will see net profits grow from $100,000 to$125,000 during the same period. 1.1 Objectives: Java Cultures objectives for the first year of operations are: Become selected as the Best New Coffee Bar in the area by the local restaurant guide. Turn in profits from the first month of operations. Maintain a 65% gross margin. 1.2 Keys to Success: The keys to success will be: Store design that will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and efficient operations. Employee training to insure the best coffee preparation techniques. Marketing strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers, as well as maximizing the sales of high margin products, such as espresso drinks. 1.3 Mission Java Culture will make its best effort to create a unique place where customers can socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment while enjoying the best brewed coffee or espresso and pastries in town. We will be in the business of helping our customers to relieve their daily stresses by providing piece of mind through great ambience, convenient location, friendly customer service, and products of consistently high quality. Java Culture will invest its profits to increase the employee satisfaction while providing stable return to its shareholders. 2.0 Company Summary: Java Culture, an Oregon limited liability company, sells coffee, other beverages and snacks in its 2,300 square feet premium coffee bar located near the University of Oregon campus. Java Cultures major investors are Arthur Garfield and James Polk who cumulatively own over 70% of the company. The start-up loss of the company is assumed in the amount of $27,680. 2.1 Company Ownership: Java Culture is registered as a Limited Liability Corporation in the state of Oregon. Arthur Garfield owns 51% of the company. His cousin, James Polk, as well as Megan Flannigan and Todd Barkley hold minority stakes in Java Culture, LLC. 2.2 Company Locations and Facilities: Java Culture coffee bar will be located on the ground floor of the commercial building at the corner of West 13th Avenue and Patterson Street in Eugene, OR. The company has secured a one-year lease of the vacant 2,500 square feet premises previously occupied by a hair salon. The lease contract has an option of renewal for three years at a fixed rate that Java Culture will execute depending on the financial strength of its business. The floor plan will include a 200 square feet back office and a 2,300 square feet coffee bar, which will include a seating area with 15 tables, a kitchen, storage area and two bathrooms. The space in the coffee bar will be approximately distributed the following way1,260 square feet (i.e., 55% of the total) for the seating area, 600 square feet (26%) for the production area, and the remaining 440 square feet (19%) for the customer service area. This property is located in a commercial area within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus on the corner of a major thoroughfare connecting affluent South Eugene neighborhood with the busy downtown commercial area. The commercially zoned premises have the necessary water and electricity hookups and will require only minor remodeling to accommodate the espresso bar, kitchen and storage area. The coffee bars open and clean interior design with modern wooden decor will convey the quality of the served beverages and snacks, and will be in-line with the establishments positioning as an eclectic place where people can relax and enjoy their cup of coffee. The clear window displays, through which passerby will be able to see customers enjoying their beverages, and outside electric signs will be aimed to grab the attention of the customer traffic. 3.0 Products: Java Culture will offer its customers the best tasting coffee beverages in the area. This will be achieved by using high-quality ingredients and strictly following preparation guidelines. The store layout, menu listings and marketing activities will be focused on maximizing the sales of higher margin espresso drinks. Along with the espresso drinks, brewed coffee and teas, as well as some refreshment beverages, will be sold in the coffee bar. Java Culture will also offer its clients pastries, small salads and sandwiches. For the gourmet clientele that prefers to prepare its coffee at home, Java Culture will also be selling coffee beans. The menu offerings will be supplemented by free books and magazines that customers can read inside the coffee bar. 3.1 Product Description: The menu of the Java Culture coffee bar will be built around espresso-based coffee drinks such as lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, etc. Each of the espresso-based drinks will be offered with whole, skimmed, or soy milk. Each of these coffee beverages is based on a shot of espresso, which is prepared in the espresso machine by forcing heated water through ground coffee at high pressure. Such espresso shots are combined with steamed milk and/or other additives like cocoa, caramel, etc., to prepare the espresso-based beverages. Proper preparation techniques are of paramount importance for such drinks. A minor deviation from the amount of coffee in the shot, the size of the coffee particles, the temperature of milk, etc., can negatively affect the quality of the prepared drink. 3.2 Sales Literature: Two thousand flyers will be distributed in the adjacent neighborhood, on the University campus, at the malls and in the selected office buildings within two weeks prior to the opening of Java Culture. Subsequently, free postcards with Java Culture endorsement will be printed to increase the company visibility among the patrons. 4.0 Market Analysis Summary: U.S. coffee consumption has shown steady growth, with gourmet coffee having the strongest growth. Coffee drinkers in the Pacific Northwest are among the most demanding ones. They favor well-brewed gourmet coffee drinks and demand great service. Eugene, OR, with its liberal and outgoing populace and long rainy winter, has traditionally been a great place for coffee establishments. Java Culture will strive to build a loyal customer base by offering a great tasting coffee in a relaxing environment of its coffee bar located close to the bustling University of Oregon campus. 4.1 Market Segmentation: Java Culture will focus its marketing activities on reaching the University students and faculty, people working in offices located close to the coffee bar and on sophisticated teenagers. Our market research shows that these are the customer groups that are most likely to buy gourmet coffee products. Since gourmet coffee consumption is universal across different income categories and mostly depends on the level of higher education, proximity to the University of Oregon campus will provide access to the targeted customer audience. The chart and table below outline the total market potential (in number of customers) of gourmet coffee drinkers in Eugene, OR. Java Culture will cater to people who want to get their daily cup of great-tasting coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. Such customers vary in age, although our location close to the University campus means that most of our clientele will be college students and faculty. Our market research shows that these are discerning customers that gravitate towards better tasting coffee. Furthermore, a lot of college students consider coffee bars to be a convenient studying or meeting location, where they can read or meet with peers without the necessity to pay cover charges. For us, this will provide a unique possibility for building a loyal client base. 4.2.1 Market Needs: General trend toward quality among U.S. consumers definitely plays an important role in the recent growth in gourmet coffee. Additionally, such factors as desire for small indulgencies, for something more exotic and unique, provide a good selling opportunity for coffee bars. 4.3 I Industry Analysis: Coffee consumption has shown a steady 2.5% growth rate in the United States over the last decade. In 1994, total sales of coffee were approximately $7.5 billion with gourmet coffee representing 33% (or $2.5 billion) of that. The retail coffee industry is flourishing in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The local climate, with a long rainy season, is very conducive for the consumption of hot non-alcoholic beverages. At the same time, hot dry summers drive people into cafes to order iced drinks. Further, coffee has really become a part of the lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Its discerning coffee drinkers are in favor of well-prepared, strong coffee-based beverages, which they can consume in a relaxing environment. 4. 4 Competition and Buying pattern: Competition: According to the 1997 Oregon Food service Statistics (NAICS 72), Eugene had 45 established snack non-alcoholic beverage bars (NAICS 722213) with total sales of $14.2 million. Among other establishments that offer coffee drinks to their customers are most of Eugenes limited- and full-service restaurants. Java Cultures direct competitors will be other coffee bars located near the University of Oregon campus. These include Starbucks, Cafe Roma, The UO Bookstore, and other Food service establishments that offer coffee. Starbucks will definitely be one of the major competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and operational practices. However, despite of Starbucks entrenched market position, many customers favor smaller, independent establishments that offer cozy atmosphere and good coffee at affordable prices. Cafe Roma is a good example of such competition. We estimate that Starbucks holds approximately 35% market share in that neighborhood, Cafe Roma appeals to 25% of customers, The UO Bookstore caters to another 10%, with the remaining market share split among other establishments. Java Culture will position itself as a unique coffee bar that not only offers the best tasting coffee and pastries but also provides home-like, cozy and comfortable environment, which established corporate establishments lack. We will cater to customers bodies and minds, which will help us grow our market share in this competitive market. Buying Patterns: The major reason for the customers to return to a specific coffee bar is a great tasting coffee, quick service and pleasant atmosphere. Although, as stated before, coffee consumption is uniform across different income segments, Java Culture will price its product offerings competitively. We strongly believe that selling coffee with a great service in a nice setting will help us build a strong base of loyal clientele. 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary: Java Cultures marketing strategy will be focused at getting new customers, retaining the existing customers, getting customers to spend more and come back more often. Establishing a loyal customer base is of a paramount importance since such customer core will not only generate most of the sales but also will provide favorable referrals. 5.1 Competitive Edge: Java Culture will position itself as unique coffee bar where its patrons can not only enjoy a cup of perfectly brewed coffee but also spend their time in an ambient environment. Comfortable sofas and chairs, dimmed light and quiet relaxing music will help the customers to relax from the daily stresses and will differentiate Java Culture from incumbent competitors. 5.2 Sales Strategy: Java Culture baristas will handle the sales transactions. To speed up the customer service, at least two employees will be servicing clientswhile one employee will be preparing the customers order, the other one will be taking care of the sales transaction. All sales data logged on the computerized point-of-sale terminal will be later analyzed for marketing purposes. In order to build up its client base, Java Culture will use banners and fliers, utilize customer referrals and cross-promotions with other businesses in the community. At the same time, customer retention programs will be used to make sure the customers are coming back and spending more at the coffee bar. 5.3 Sales Forecast: Food costs are assumed at 25% for coffee beverages and 50% for retail beans and pastries. Proximity to the University campus will dictate certain sales seasonality with revenues slightly decreasing during the school vacation periods. The chart and table below outline our projected sales forecast for the next three years. 6.0 Management Summary: Java Culture is majority-owned by Arthur Garfield and James Polk. Mr. Garfield holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from the University of ZYX. Hes worked for several years as an independent business consultant. Previously, he owned the ABC Travel Agency, which he profitably sold four years ago. Mr. Garfield has extensive business contacts in Oregon that he will leverage to help his new venture succeed. Mr. Polk has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from the XYZ State University. For the last five years he has worked as a manager of DEF Ristorante, a successful Italian restaurant in Portland, OR. Under Mr. Polks management, the restaurant has consistently increased sales while maintaining a lower than average level of operating expenses. However, because of the investors other commitments they will not be involved into the daily management decisions at Java Culture. A professional manager ($35,000/yr) will be hired who will oversee all the coffee bar operations. Two full-time baristas ($25,000/yr each) will be in charge of coffee preparation. Four more part-time employees will be hired to fulfill the staffing needs. In the second and third year of operation one more part-time employee will be hired to handle the increased sales volume. 6.1 Management Team: A full-time manager will be hired to oversee the daily operations at Java Culture. The candidate (whos name is withheld due to his current employment commitment) has had three years of managerial experience in the definitely industry in Oregon. This persons responsibilities will include managing the staff, ordering inventory, dealing with suppliers, developing a marketing strategy and perform other daily managerial duties. We believe that our candidate has the right experience for this role. A profit-sharing arrangement for the manager may be considered based on the first year operational results. 6.2 Management Team Gaps: Despite the owners and managers experience in the definitely industry, the company will retain the consulting services of ABC Espresso Services, the consultants who have helped to develop the business idea for Java Culture. This company has over twenty years of experience in the retail coffee industry and has successfully opened dozens of coffee bars across the U.S. Consultants will be primarily used for market research, customer satisfaction surveys and to provide additional input into the evaluation of the new business opportunities. 7.0 Financial Plan: Java Culture will capitalize on the strong demand for high-quality gourmet coffee. The owners have provided the company with sufficient start-up capital. With successful management aimed at establishing and growing a loyal customer base, the company will see its net worth doubling in two years. Java Culture will maintain a healthy 65% gross margin, which combined with reasonable operating expenses, will provide enough cash to finance further growth.
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