Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Appeal of Term Paper Online
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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Professional High School Athletes Essay - 3084 Words
Professional High School Athletes Todays athletes are bigger, stronger, and faster than ever. A man can run 325 feet in less than ten seconds. A man can jump fifty inches vertically off his flat feet. There is an instinct in everyone that makes him or her wonder, how do they do that? or I want to be like that! These athletes are breaking boundaries every year, setting new standards and higher bars. These athletes are also getting younger#8230; much younger. This causes much debate on how young is too young to be the best? Is it possible to be too young? Is it unconstitutional to hold them back, from their highest potential? Are we ruining a childs life, by holding them back with, of all things, school? This is the†¦show more content†¦High schools rely on sports as an attention grabber, and a source of income. Any school corporation that does not have sports, as its second priority is a failing school corporation. The teachercoaches play a very important role in these students lives. They are t he ones who spend the extra two to three hours outside of the classroom with the athlete. Paying these people more is definitely worth the money. Most high school athletes are looking for one thing, stardom. They want to shine as bright as they can, as much as they can. Sometimes it makes one wonder if these students just slip by in high school academics, and do anything and everything they can to be the next Kevin Garnett or J.D. Drew, or Ty Tryon. An excerpt from article Go Pro, Young Man in The Daily Illini, reads; Hi, Im 6-foot-9, I have a 40-inch vertical, long arms and Im a rebounding machine. In short, I got game. I love basketball too. I have been blessed. Scouts love me. I am a certain lottery pick in the NBA draft. I cant pass up this opportunity, and so I will go ahead and declare myself ready to be entered into the NBA draft. By the way- did I mention that I am only 18 years old? Its true- in about a month I will be going to the prom. I am excited about tha t. But its been real weird lately. Ever since IShow MoreRelatedCollege Athletes Have A Dream Of Becoming A Professional Athlete1486 Words  | 6 PagesMany college athletes have a dream of becoming a professional athlete. In most countries, especially in Europe, athletes are club players who move from amateur to professional status at a young age. Some drop out of school as young as 14 years of age to play sports professionally, while others finish school in Europe and attend college in the United States to play at a university. The United States is one of the few countries worldwide to emphasize education before professional sports. In factRead MoreAthletic Scholarship For College Athletes1646 Words  | 7 Pagesassimilate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the experience of the student athlete is the best it could be. It describes a professional team as an organization that provides any player excess amounts of money for involvement on the team.â₠¬Å"Because of this paying student athletes would cross the line between professionalism and amateurism and would demolish the spirit of being a student athlete. Although players are not paid, they are often given athletic scholarships to attend collegeRead MoreLance Armstrong Role Model In Sport1708 Words  | 7 Pagesrole model of many athletes to never give up to be amazing at something, no matter what comes in the way of it. Unfortunately, the legacy of Armstrong was short lived after the discovery of Armstrong taking performance enhancing drugs to win all seven of the Tour De France. The cyclist was voided of all seven of the titles and was not allowed back into the olympics. Somebody who was such a role model was found out to be such a scandal. This is why it is very important for athletes to choose carefullyRead More Should College Athletes be Paid? Essay1510 Words  | 7 Pageswith sports is, should student athletes be be paid a salary? Some people believe that they should be paid and others would completely disagree. Even though they technically are being paid, they really are not. The only type of way the athletes would be paid is through financial aid or if they have a job. Only their education is being paid by the school. Although some people believe that they should be paid, it would not be a good idea at all. So college athletes should not be paid at all becauseRead MoreSports Is A Huge Part Of Our Society879 Words  | 4 Pageswas when we were children, in high school or college must people have been involved in sports at one time or another. Jay Weiner states how our society needs to talk back sports and lists numerous ways to do so; although I agree with some of his points I do not think they are realistic. Weiner gives four proposals on how to take back sports they are the following: De-professionalize college and high school sports, allow some form of public ownership of professional sports teams, make sports moreRead MoreMy Professional Code Of Ethics1208 Words  | 5 Pagesright to do and what is right to do†said Poher Stewart (Lindstrom, 2012). Public health professionals follow a code of ethics in order to better serve their community by respecting the rights and choice of the individual they are helping. In this paper, I will list my professional code of ethics as a healthcare professional and provide examples of how I apply it to better serve my community and the athletes individually. Introduction Public health ethics involves a systemic process to clarify, prioritizeRead MoreShould College Athletes Start Getting Paid?1706 Words  | 7 Pagesstudent-athletes participate in a variety of different sports and currently they do not receive paychecks for their performances. Many people have asked the question, should college athletes start getting paid? The simple answer to that question is no. The answer is no because the system that is in place now for current athletes is perfect since it gives athletes opportunities, but does not spoil them. There would be many downfalls if the NCAA and universities started to pay their athletes. CollegeRead MoreHundreds of professional athletes across the world have been accused of taking performance1200 Words  | 5 PagesHundreds of professional athletes across the world have been accused of taking performance enhancing drugs. The use of performance-enhancing drugs by professional athletes, or doping, has been acknowledged as a probl em since at least the 1960s. The first use of performance-enhancing drugs has been traced back to the first Olympics in Greece. Scandinavian mythology says Berserkers could drink a concoction prepared from a mushroom, to increase their physical power a dozen times. â€Å"We have to makeRead MoreEssay On Performing Enhancing Drugs1471 Words  | 6 Pagesmom would always put me in a variety of sports. When I reached high school age something that was always drilled into me by my coaches was the aspect of hard work. During my high school sporting career there was a multitude of setbacks and failures Coach Hosner who was my coach at the time, would always give me some sort of motivational snippet on hard work, and with it how anything could be accomplished. However, in today’s professional sports world there comes a point where a excellent work ethicRead MoreCollege Athletics Is A Major Part Of PeopleS Lives Around1364 Words  | 6 Pagespart of people s lives around the w orld. From the athletes playing the various sports to the fans watching from their televisions it has become a huge thing. A portion of these people seem to think that the athletes deserve more then what is already given to them. A question has been brought up and debated on whether or not these athletes should be paid to play. College athletes are hard working young adults trying to earn a degree at whichever school they have chosen. They are nothing but the most
Monday, December 9, 2019
Internet Of robotic Things Free Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Internet Of robotic Things. Answer: Introduction: A robot is considered as a mechanical or virtual artificial agent of an electrochemical machine which is assisted by a computer program or electronic circuitry. So this can be considered as an embedded system. Robots can be automated as well as semi-automated. This is an emerging vision which is associated with bringing together the pervasive sensors and the objects assisted by the robotic and the autonomous system. The Internet of Things and the robotics community have been driven by various and highly complementary objectives. The first thing is focused on providing support to the information services in order to have pervasive sensing, tracking and monitoring. Followed by this is the focusing on the producing action, interactions and the autonomous behavior. Due to all this reason Internet of Robotic things are facing an increased rate of demand. Problems overview: Pan et al. (2012) has been associated with identifying the fact that the automated flexible production of cell is considered as an interesting business for the Small as well as for the medium enterprises. Along with this fact there exists various complexities in the programming that appear to be hurdels which is associated with preventing the automation in the small and medium sized enterprises by making use of the industrial robots. The paper is associated with providing a comprehensive review which generally illustrates the progress of the recent researches that are conducted upon the different methods associated with programming of the industrial robots. It was also found in this paper that the conventional online programs are very much efficient as well as cost effective solution. But despite of this the increasing amount of complexity is associated with reducing the suitability of the online programming. It has been seen that over the years various new and innovative methods f p rogramming has been introduced and are also expected to grow which are very much suitable for the small and the medium sized enterprises. This has mainly happened due to the advancements in the 3D CAD/PLM software assisted by the growth of the computer vision along with the sensor technology. Henrich and Worn (2012) stated that the use of industrial robots is increasing in the classical fields of increasing and this includes the welding, painting and also in the handing. Although various advances has been made in this field but still the application of the robotics systems has been gaining more and more importance in other areas which mainly includes the assembly, machining and the measuring. Besides this there also exists various researches as well as development projects which mainly aims at the utilization of the new application areas and the resultant products are much more innovative which are having a far sight future perspective. There exists flexible materials in every industrial product so it can be concluded that it is a significant way of ensuring the handling in an automated way of the materials from the industrial as well as from the economic point of view. The article has been associated with finding a solution that is technically as well as economically sig nificant which is not a simple one-dimensional problem but this is generally dependent on various factors that mainly compromises of the technological as well as the social and economic aspects. Related work: According to the article by Fryman and Mtthias (2012) stated that the industrial robots are being totally separated from the human access while operating are generally associated with acquiring the capabilities related to control. Along wiith this it also renders them with the capability in order to comply with the various new formsof operations accompanied by appropriately controlled risks. This is also associated with providing the human workers with an access to the robots workspace during the time of operation. Besides this it has also been surveyed that the development of the industrial robot along with the safety of the standards related to the robots which have been associated with opening the possibilities related to collaboration of the humans and the robots in the industrial production. The article has also been associated with anticipating the fact that the safety sensors would be made available along with the competence of offerings information which are generally related to the safety rated positions on the detected objects in their field of view. Another study by Gleeson et al. (2013) the collaborative work that exists between the human and the robot has been associated with having a potential of improving the quality along with the efficiency and safety in the process of manufacturing. The paper has been associated with presenting the gestural communication lexicon in order to collaborate the humans and the robots in the tasks related to industrial assembly along with the methodology development that is required for the development of the lexicon. The experiments of the user are usually stuck in the study of industrial needs which would be initially associated with providing the probable applicability in the real world to have the result. The paper has also been associated with founding the fact that the gestures which are provided by the participants are ver much natural and are well suited in terms of implementation in the robotic but the dependency of the interpretation is high on the context of the task. Lastly the autho r has also been associated with single and convenient method of the programming related to gesture which are capable of producing effective and natural gestures. Majidi (2014) has been associated with presenting the current trends and the prospects for the future of the soft robotics. The soft robots are primarily consisting of matter which can be easily deformed which mainly includes the fluids, gels and elastomers which are capable of matching the elastic and the rheological properties related to the biological tissues and the organs. From the paper it is also evident that the soft robots must be capable of adapting the shape according to the environment along with the locomotion strategy for the various kind of tasks and obstacles. The class which is rising and is mainly regarding the flexibly delicate, adaptable and naturally motivated machines mainly speak of the energizing and the exceeding interdisciplinary that exists all across the world in designing which are associated with changing the part of the mechanical autonomy in social insurance, filed investigation and are also very much helpful for the humans as well. Methodology: According to Chen and Dong (2013) stated that early studies on the robot machining have been accounted for in the year or 1990. In spite of the facts which are generally constant overall while examining the robot machining from than point onward along with the capability of the robot applications which are present in the machining have not yet been figured. The paper has also been associated with investigating the latest advancements which has been made in the robot machining. This kind of advancements are general classified into looks on the improvement of the robot machining framework along with robot machining way of arranging, vibration or gab examination including the ways of following and paying, elemental or solidness of the displaying. By having an specified end goal in order to propel the innovation of the robot machining to certain levels, has been associated with the creation of the practical and aggressive frameworks. The author has been associated with providing certain recommendations for the future inquiries related to the concentration of robot machining on investigations related to productivity, firmness ma which are based upon the way of arranging and the mechanical arm joining of the streamlining along with the arranging of the planning in order to line the machining robots. According to Athawale, Chatterjee and Chakraborty (2012) there exists some mechanical robots which are responsible for making of particular designing applications which is a standout amongst the most difficult issues which are responsible for continuous fabrication of the environment. This has initially been turning out to be a increasing muddle due to the expansion of the many sided qualities along with the propelling of the components and the offices which are continuously being fused by the robot makers on the robots. Besides this the chiefs also needs to choose the most reasonable modern robot keeping in mind along with this the end goals are also to be accomplished by the coveted yield assisted by least cost and capacity of particular applications. The paper has been associated with putting a spotlight over the ways of tackling the robot determination issues which utilizes the VIKOR or Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenjetechnique. This has now turned out to be a mainstream multi-criteria basic leadership or the MCDM instrument. According to Markoff (2012) there would another influx of the robots in the future and this are significantly more skilled than the ones which are used ordinarily now a days by the automakers and the other substantial makers. This is mainly happening due to the supplanting of the laborers all around the globe in the assembling as well as in the circulation. Industrial facilities like that of Netherlands have been associated with striking the counterpoint to those that are utilized by the Apple and the other shopper gadgets mammoths who are associated with the usage of the specialists who are low talented. Along with this numerous industry administrators and the innovation specialists like the Philips methodology is associated with making of more strides than the Apple. The fallen expenses along with the developing refinements of eh robots have been touched off in order to have a reestablished discussion with the financial experts and the technologists regarding the rapid ways by whic h the employment would be lost. Along with this in the psyches the appearances of the robotizing has been associated with anticipating the changes that are taking on the size of the upheaval in the rural innovations throughout most of the recent century while cultivation of the jobs are being done in the US has tumbled from 40%of the work powered to around 2 percent in todays world. According to Graetz and Michales for notwithstanding of the universal disclosure of the robots potential effect there exists no certain methodical experimental confirmation on the momentary impacts that they are having. The paper has been associated with investigating interestingly the financial effects of the mechanical robot along with the utilization of new information present on the boards of the enterprise all around 17 nations form the year of 1993 to 2007. It has also been found that the the mechanical robots are associated with expanding both of the work profitability as well as the quality which are included. The board distinguishing has also been associated with providing a proof which is very much powerful to the various controls and the comparable results which have been associated with discovering the instrumenting expansion of the use of robots along with the measures of the specialists supplant capacity that the robots are having and is mainly dependent on the undertak ings pervasiveness that exists I the ventures before the robots which are utilized at a broad rate. It has also been computed that the utilization which has expanded at an wide rate has been associated with rising the nations normal development by .37 rate. Along with this it has also been seen that the robots have been associated with expanding the wages as well as aggregating the efficiency of the components. Despite of having no critical impact on the aggregated working hours there exists some confirmation that there has been some diminished hours of the low skilled laborers as well the middle skilled laborers. The paper by Makris et al. (2012) has been associated with talking about the ways which is associated with dealing with the controlling of the self-governing as the portable automated generation unit which are associated making changes in the undertakings and the position in the shop floors or the irregular creation of the changes. The idea has also been associated with incorporating the control in two levels. In the line level the administration is associated with making arrangements in the engineering control mange production operations assignments. This are made for the portable and the stationary assets and is also responsible for empowering the independent correspondence that exists between the assets all together for the purpose of making adjustments in the activities which are to be settled. Besides this the unit level consists of the rationale empowering of the self-ruling operations of the assets along with coordination of the data collected from various sensors and also in the addition mechatronic information. The paper has been associated with concentrating upon the meanings of the present state and the recognizable proof related to the difficulties for the purpose of execution of such methodologies. Conclusion: The report helps in understanding the fact that the involvement of the IoT or the Internet of Things technology in the robotics technology is growing day by day. The above report helps in understanding the various type of problems that are faced by this technology. Along with this report has also been helping in understanding the various type of works that has been done with this technology. The ways by which this problems can be tackled has also been discussed in this report. References: Athawale, V. M., Chatterjee, P., Chakraborty, S. (2012). Selection of industrial robots using compromise ranking method. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1, 11(1-2), 3-15. Bi, Z., Da Xu, L., Wang, C. (2014). Internet of things for enterprise systems of modern manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(2), 1537-1546. Brizzi, P., Conzon, D., Khaleel, H., Tomasi, R., Pastrone, C., Spirito, A. M., ... Cultrona, P. (2013, September). Bringing the internet of things along the manufacturing line: a case study in controlling industrial robot and monitoring energy consumption remotely. In 2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. Chen, Y., Dong, F. (2013). Robot machining: recent development and future research issues. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66(9-12), 1489-1497. Fryman, J., Matthias, B. (2012, May). Safety of industrial robots: From conventional to collaborative applications. In Robotics; Proceedings of ROBOTIK 2012; 7th German Conference on (pp. 1-5). VDE. Gleeson, B., MacLean, K., Haddadi, A., Croft, E., Alcazar, J. (2013, March). Gestures for industry: intuitive human-robot communication from human observation. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction (pp. 349-356). IEEE Press. Graetz, G., Michaels, G. (2015). Robots at work. Henrich, D., Wrn, H. (Eds.). (2012). Robot manipulation of deformable objects. Springer Science Business Media. Majidi, C. (2014). Soft robotics: a perspectivecurrent trends and prospects for the future. Soft Robotics, 1(1), 5-11. Makris, S., Michalos, G., Eytan, A., Chryssolouris, G. (2012). Cooperating robots for reconfigurable assembly operations: Review and challenges. Procedia CIRP, 3, 346-351. Markoff, J. (2012). Skilled work, without the worker. The New York Times, 18. Pan, Z., Polden, J., Larkin, N., Van Duin, S., Norrish, J. (2012). Recent progress on programming methods for industrial robots. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 28(2), 87-94.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Pest Analysis Virtual Banking free essay sample
This PEST analysis is conducted at a macro level to examine the technological advancements which would propel and prove viable for Nexity to launch into the Virtual Banking industry in the 21 century. Political Factors In 1999, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), and others sponsored and submitted a bill to congress to be reviewed so as to change the export controls on encryption software or tools which could be used globally or exported out of country (Encryption rights in the U. S. and encryption export restraints. 1999). This bill which eventually was approved in year 2000 would allow clients of virtual banks to transcend physical barriers to invest and maintain accounts in the U. S. without the fear for the security of their transactions or the need for physical presence either locally or while away from the U. S. This would also allow global U. S companies to conduct the banking through the internet from their branch offices out of the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Pest Analysis Virtual Banking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page S thus increasing the potential number of clients. To further regulate and provide a secure environment, Webtrust was launched with guidelines and audit processes for all e-commerce entities (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. and Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountant 1999). This e-commerce certification was spear headed by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. and Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and endorsed by US Federal Trade Commission to provide seal of trust for participating merchants. The certification program will authenticate the trade and security process of Nexity, as such allowing users to be confident of the services offered by Nexity. Though changes in laws and governance of virtual banking services assured users of their transactions, there was a lurking issue with the dawn of the millennium. The Millennium bug or commonly known as â€Å"Y2k bug†, was first mentioned on a Usenet newsgroup occurred Saturday, January 19, 1985 by Usenet poster Spencer Bolles (Wikipedia. org n. d. ). A poll was conducted by CNN/USA Today/Gallup in partnership with the National science Foundation to reflect consumer believes and understanding of the Millennium Bug. The poll conducted in May, 1999 showed that 21% of people who believed that the Millennium bug would bring about major problems and 30% would withdraw a large amount of cash to be stored away. Though the numbers are not the majority, it clearly explains there are concerns, and it would be greater for services delivered from virtual platforms. Furthermore, there would be exposure to risk and cost in identifying if there are problems with the technology if launched prior to start of the millennium. Economical Factors Nexity would require strategic partnerships which will enable it to launch itself into the market without huge investments costs in technology development and a quick development turn-around time for its launch. Fiserv Inc who was providing software and technology backbone for Financial Systems leveraging on their technological advancements through rapid acquisitions of 73 companies since 1984 till 1998 and a corporate clientele of 400 over 60 countries in late 1999 proved to be a potential reliable partner. Part of Fiserv’s business-unit director’s compensation was in relation to the bi-yearly feedbacks of their client’s and this identifies their willing intent to improve and provide better for their products and for the clients. Mote, Dave n. d. ) While the server end of the financial systems are could be handled by strategic technology partner like Fiserv, the client end of Fiserv’s virtual banking system depended on third party solutions provided by web-browser development companies, like Netscape and Microsoft whose products were the dominant browsers, Netscape Browser and MS Internet Explorer, holding 24. 68% and 75. 31% of browser market share respectively (WebSideStory n. d. ). Thus allowing Nexity to completely eliminate the cost of client-end development and pre-deploy their client-end to almost any computer which was used during 1999 to roam the internet, making Microsoft and Netscape a strategic partner as well. In 1998, with the amendment to the Banking circular 203 and the issuance of SOP 98-1 (Statement of Position 98-1) that allowed banks to capitalize on stage 2 of the software development cost meant that the earnings and margin of the bank will not be as severely impacted. SOP 98-1 allowed the capitalized software costs derived through development or purchasing to be amortized on a straight line basis or alternative basis that can closely represent the use of the software. Instead of taking a hit of the total development costs to the profit margin of the bank during the development phase before putting the software to use, the bank is now able to defer the costs in the balance sheet and match the costs to the period of use over the expected lifecycle of the software. Social Factors Through a survey conducted by ZDNet InternetTrak, the banking sector was expecting increase of 42% of e-banking participants by end of 1999, which would place the potential number of clients to 12. 8 million users. (Levin and Nash 1999). Furthermore, in survey conducted by The Strategis Group, a Washington-based market research firm, 50% of the United States’ adults had access to the internet and The International Data Corporation, another market research firm, projected that by end of 2003 the number of users would exceed 177 million (The New York Times Business 1999).
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Hobbit
Bilbo is home making tea when several dwarves show up at his front door. To be exact, thirteen dwarves came one by one to his door. Bilbo let all the dwarves inside and gave them drink and food. The names of the dwarves were: Thorin, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Kili, Fili, Bofur, Dori, Bombur, Nori and Ori. Thorin was their leader, and his full name was Thorin Oakenshield. The last person who showed up, was a wizard called Gandalf. Thorin had brought a map that showed the way to The Lonely Mountain where a great treasure was guarded by a big, red dragon called Smaug. The treasure was in general a big mine filled with gems, emeralds, gold, silver, diamonds and many other valuable items. The cave used to belong to Thorin’s ancestor, Thror, and Gandalf gave Thorin a special key that he needed when he was going to open a secret entrance in the mountain shown on the map. The reason why they were at Bilbo’s place was because they should invite him along on their journey . Gandalf recommended Bilbo, because he said that he was a useful burglar. After much discussion, they managed to get Bilbo with them in their party. They made plans and went off the very next day. In the second chapter, Roast Mutton, the party rested in the woods of Lonelands and caught sight of a bonfire. Bilbo was sent to investigate who had lit the fire in the wood, and discovered that it was three trolls who were eating a meal. Bilbo was now going to try his skills as a burglar. One of the trolls, whose name was William, had a magic purse that squeaked when Bilbo tried to steal it. The trolls caught Bilbo and were planning to eat him for supper. The rest of the dwarves got anxious, and wondered what had happened to poor, little Bilbo. The trolls also caught the dwarves after a struggle, and the trolls were about to eat them all when suddenly Gandalf who was hiding in the bushes started to confuse the trolls by imitating their voices. The trolls started to quarre... Free Essays on The Hobbit Free Essays on The Hobbit Bilbo is home making tea when several dwarves show up at his front door. To be exact, thirteen dwarves came one by one to his door. Bilbo let all the dwarves inside and gave them drink and food. The names of the dwarves were: Thorin, Oin, Gloin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Kili, Fili, Bofur, Dori, Bombur, Nori and Ori. Thorin was their leader, and his full name was Thorin Oakenshield. The last person who showed up, was a wizard called Gandalf. Thorin had brought a map that showed the way to The Lonely Mountain where a great treasure was guarded by a big, red dragon called Smaug. The treasure was in general a big mine filled with gems, emeralds, gold, silver, diamonds and many other valuable items. The cave used to belong to Thorin’s ancestor, Thror, and Gandalf gave Thorin a special key that he needed when he was going to open a secret entrance in the mountain shown on the map. The reason why they were at Bilbo’s place was because they should invite him along on their journey . Gandalf recommended Bilbo, because he said that he was a useful burglar. After much discussion, they managed to get Bilbo with them in their party. They made plans and went off the very next day. In the second chapter, Roast Mutton, the party rested in the woods of Lonelands and caught sight of a bonfire. Bilbo was sent to investigate who had lit the fire in the wood, and discovered that it was three trolls who were eating a meal. Bilbo was now going to try his skills as a burglar. One of the trolls, whose name was William, had a magic purse that squeaked when Bilbo tried to steal it. The trolls caught Bilbo and were planning to eat him for supper. The rest of the dwarves got anxious, and wondered what had happened to poor, little Bilbo. The trolls also caught the dwarves after a struggle, and the trolls were about to eat them all when suddenly Gandalf who was hiding in the bushes started to confuse the trolls by imitating their voices. The trolls started to quarre... Free Essays on The Hobbit I choose to read J.R.R. Tolkien’s â€Å"The Hobbit†for my first book report. This story takes place in a far away land; long, long ago. It is the story of a small, humble hobbit named Bilbo Baggins and his great and dangerous adventure. A hobbit is a hairy, fat man about half our size, and this particular one lived in a comfortable hobbit hole in a quiet community where adventures were unspoken of. One quiet and peaceful morning Gandalf, a kind and powerful wizard, came knocking at Bilbo’s door. Gandalf wanted Bilbo to join in on a great adventure that he was arranging. After days of negotiation Bilbo uneasily decides to join in on the adventure along with 13 dwarves, to raid the treasure of Smaug, a large and dangerous dragon. This story is packed full of surprise, suspense, mystery, conflict, dilemma, and foreshadowing throughout the chapters. A great example of this usage is near the end of Bilbo’s great adventure, when the time had come for him to advance forward and confront the dragon Smaug. Bilbo had been chosen to go forward into the dragons’ lair to seek the treasure. During this process an outstanding example of suspense was played out. As Bilbo walked further and further into the lair suspense starts to build dramatically from the author’s descriptions of heat, steam, and sounds coming from the end of the passage. At the moment before Bilbo’s encounter with the dragon â€Å"he knew that going on from there was the bravest thing he’d ever done†, as quoted in the book. This part of the book exhibits only one of many great examples of mystery and suspense from the story. The protagonist, Bilbo Baggins, is truly a dynamic character. As described at the beginning of the book he was a very humble and peaceful hobbit that had no time for adventures. The first example of change happened when he accepted to go on Gandalf’s adventure. But Bilbo still changed throughout the book as described by one of his dwarf co...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Never Overlook the Arc
Never Overlook the Arc Never Overlook the Arc Never Overlook the Arc By Guest Author This is a guest post by Vic Shayne. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. There are many elements that are key to creating a good story, and the arc is one of the most important of all. It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about fiction, nonfiction, a fantasy story, documentary or screenplay. I could say that even Noah knew the importance of an ark, but homonyms lose their charm in writing. What is an arc? In the world of physics, an arc is a curve. In writing we can explain it in similar terms - it’s the path that a story and its characters follow, from their introduction to their finale. It starts here and ends there, so to speak. I’ve seen a lot of people’s writing that completely misses this fundamental element, and they wonder why their work is flat or unsalable. If they set their egos aside, they can learn from their mistakes. If not, they go on chalking up their failures to stupid editors or readers who just don’t get their genius. To make sure your work is rich, plan your arcs from the outset. Before you sit down to write your story, make an outline that includes an arc for the story and all its characters. Figure out how your story begins and how it ends, including all the changes in points in between. Figure out how your characters act at first compared to how they act when your work comes to a conclusion. If they do not exhibit change or growth, then something’s wrong and your work will lack dramatic interest. This is true of a silly comedy, a farce, a musical, a slice of life story, a science fiction work and a tear-jerking drama. Everything has to keep moving in a direction that exhibits change. They say if a shark stops moving, it dies. Don’t let your writing go belly up. Let’s get more specific. Take a look at your own life as an example. Your life, like everybody else’s has an overall arc with a series of events in between. You started off as a baby, moved through childhood and got to where you are now. You’ve changed, changed some more and changed again so that you are not the same person you were in the beginning. Your life story has an arc. At this present moment, you have accumulated wisdom. You have experienced sorrow, happiness, hard work and moments of reprieve - all of which are evidence of your arc. Remember too that in addition to an overall story arc, there are also many in between arcs that need to be written. Each chapter needs to have an arc in which something is accomplished, ruined, created, thwarted, grown, deconstructed and/or abandoned. Only by creating these chapter or scene arcs is your audience or reader compelled to move to the next event. Many movies suffer from an absence of arcs and even uninformed audiences will complain that the film they just watched â€Å"didn’t go anywhere,†even if they can’t articulate the exact source of the flaw. I have a friend, John, who goes to the movies on a regular basis. John has little patience. If there’s nothing that compels him to watch what happens after the first ten minutes, he leaves the theater. He considers sitting any longer in his seat a waste of his valuable time. Worse, John is angry at the writer and director for taking advantage of him and robbing him for an unfulfilled promise. John’s a tough critic, but to me he’s a reminder of the importance of giving your readers something to look forward to from scene to scene and chapter to chapter until, by the end of the affair, you’ve taken them through a journey. This â€Å"something†depends on well-crafted arcs. Vic Shaynes latest book, Remember Us, just hit the bookstores nationwide. Vic has been a professional writer since 1978, with six books and more than 500 articles over his career, as well as screenplays, stage plays and commercial work. To learn more about him and his work, you can visit his website. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesUsed To vs. Use ToPeople vs. Persons
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Knowledge Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Knowledge Management - Assignment Example Reflectively, after the release of the first I-phone, Blackberry’s management aimed at creating touch screen ‘I-phone killer’ contrary to keypad phones which the company had specialized in and was best known for. Some of the front-line persons in the management were not of the idea and they disagreed saying that the company should produce a more advanced keypad phone and layback on creating the touch screen; for the sake of the company’s reputation and its customers. However, the idea was insisted on, and hence came the Blackberry z10 phone; unfortunately, this was after some of the Co-CEOs opposing the notion to the extent of even quitting the board. The Blackberry z10 was on top of the list for most disastrous products that the company had ever produced and manufactured; primarily, because of a massive write down of Z10 phones that sat, unsold and unwanted, about eight months after they first hit the market (Sean 2013). The outcome resulted to a lot of losses i.e. 965 million dollar loss, cut-off of over 45,000 jobs (forty percent of the company’s work force). Basically, the company took a downfall due to the ignorance of the need for knowledge in the field of technology by its management faculty; moreover, the company experienced a cultural problem with some of them proposing a keypad enhanced mobile phone (simply because it did well with corporate customers) and others the touch screen, despite the company’s lack of adequate knowledge in the area (Justine 2014). On the other hand, the Apple Company, during this time was experiencing a totally different occurrence. Since the release of the first I-phone the company has been excelling in every I-phone release altogether with great sales and a lot of support from its customers. According to a research, the company has able to succeed due to a number of reasons: ignoring their critics, turning the ordinary into something beautiful (through the knowledge of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Operations Management - Essay Example Operations Management Macro operations are the aggregate variables addressing the state of the whole university. In the micro-operations each component of the system is considered for its effects on the system owing to certain properties. The micro-theorists make constraining assumptions about behaviors and their possible outcomes to allow the desired degree of mathematical precision. On the other hand in the Macro operation links between the theory and any description of agents or institutions are more tenuous and contrived. The macro operations deal with major policy matters. Some examples: à ³niversities or for that matter any organisation, while undertaking the exercise of developing budgets (Macro level operation) generally make use of some standard budget development system. Such a system is used by every department to present their own budget requirements for the upcoming financial year (Micro level operation). This budget may include both salary and non-salary related elements, critical to the un iversity's operations. An operations manager is supposed to carry out all such tasks with the helps of the reporting, planning, and control functions, being done by other supportive departments. Therefore an operations manager should be concerned with the entire network as he has to take input from different nodes of the network to arrive at the overall objective. From the operations manager’s perspective, the overall objective of the operations subsystem is to provide capabilities for meeting the organisation’s goals and strategy... For a bigger organisation having a multinational presence, the market of one particular segment, state, nation form the micro level parameters while the consolidated economics make up for macro level factors. Micro level operations keep track of operations at an individual, resource, process and structure level, while macro level operations are concerned with only the system approach. Ans2 Operations manager has a multifaceted job profile. He's concerned with providing a strategic direction to the organisation. He is supposed to1; Improve the efficiency of the operation Improve control of service levels and quality Set service level agreements for end-user applications and for services provided Improve relationships with end-user departments Develop staff potential An operations manager is supposed to carry out all such tasks with the helps of the reporting, planning, and control functions, being done by other supportive departments. Therefore an operations manager should be concerned with the entire network as he has to take input from different nodes of the network to arrive at the overall objective. From the operations manager's perspective, the overall objective of the operations subsystem is to provide capabilities for meeting the organisation's goals and strategy. The subgoals of the operations subsystem can be attained through the decisions that are made in various operations areas. Each decision involves important tradeoffs between choices about product and process versus choices about quality, efficiency, schedule and adaptability. In fact the role of operations manager has been on an increase with increasing
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Marketing Definition Essay Example for Free
Marketing Definition Essay Definition The process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. Its objective is to design a marketing mix that precisely matches the expectations of customers in the targeted segment. Few companies are big enough to supply the needs of an entire market; most must breakdown the total demand into segments and choose those that the company is best equipped to handle. Four basic factors that affect market segmentation are (1) clear identification of the segment, (2) measurability of its effective size, (3) its accessibility through promotional efforts, and (4) its appropriateness to the policies and resources of the company. The four basic market segmentation-strategies are based on (a) behavioral (b) demographic, (c) psychographic, and (d) geographical differences. Read more: Do you think that it was a good segmentation for MM’s to develop a new version targeting adults? In observing how MM’s have changed over time from the addition of peanut butter and almonds to the changing of colors and sizes I think that was a great segmentation strategy to develop a new version targeting adults. The new line of MM’s is 55 percent larger in size and they come in colors that are appealing to adults in its design (Schiffman Kanuk, 2007). According to spokeswoman Joan Buyce of Masterfoods USA this creation is designed with adults in mind and It broadens our portfolio so theres something for everyone (MMs get mega-sized, 2012, p.1). Buyce also states that the new MMs are available in milk chocolate as well as peanut varieties and come with an adult-oriented color scheme which includes teal, beige, gold, maroon, brown and blue-gray (MMs get mega-sized, 2012). Due to the new line of MM’s including aspects that target adults I think that it is a great segmentation strategy because appealing aspects are included in the development of the new version. Discuss three basic types of research of design (exploratory, descriptive and casual). The three basic types of designs are exploratory, descriptive and casual research. In the explorative research there is systematic and flexible and allows the researcher to investigate desires (Marketing Research Design, 2012). Explorative research is also most commonly unstructured, informal research that is undertaken to gain background information about the general nature of the research problem (Marketing Research Design, 2012). While descriptive research describes and measure marketing phenomena at a point in time (Marketing Research Design, 2012). This type of research is classified as a cross sectional study, because it is a one-time measurement, which is established in market research, outnumbering longitudinal studies and casual studies (Marketing Research Design, 2012). Casual research is [continues]
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Technology Paper :: essays research papers
Syndication of the Web 'Syndication involves the sale of the same good to many customers, who then integrate it with other offerings and redistribute it (Werbach, 2000).'; E-Trade is one such organization. They distinguish themselves from their competition by the way they package and price the information they sell not through the information itself. Syndication is a very different way of structuring the business of today. This way of doing business is very different than the way business has been done in the past. It requires small and large businesses to rethink their tactical and strategic plans, thus causing the reshaping of organizations. This will also change the way they interact with customers and partner with other entities. In addition, businesses will be forced to develop new models for collecting revenues and earning profits. Syndication has traditionally been rare in the business world for three reasons. First, syndication works only with information goods. Second, syndication requires modularity. Third, syndication requires many independent distribution points (Werbach, 2000). Within this syndication network, businesses can play three different roles or a company can play one role in a syndication network, or two or three roles simultaneously. The three roles are originators, syndicators, or distributors. The originators create the original product or content. The syndicators package the content for distribution to the distributors. Often times they integrate it with the product or content from other originators. And last but not least, the distributors deliver the content to customers (Werbach, 2000). Within the structure of syndication there are syndicators and distributors. Syndicators save the distributors from having to find all of the different originators in an effort to gather all of the content that they want to package and eventually put out for distribution. The syndicators are able to collect standard formats and contracts from a variety of sources and making it readily available. This part of the process frees the distributors from having to find and negotiate with dozens or even hundreds of different originators. This allows syndicators to act as information collectors by collecting and packaging digital information in a way that adds value to it. In the physical world, it is very difficult to find a syndicator that works alone and is not associated with the entertainment industry. Technology Paper :: essays research papers Syndication of the Web 'Syndication involves the sale of the same good to many customers, who then integrate it with other offerings and redistribute it (Werbach, 2000).'; E-Trade is one such organization. They distinguish themselves from their competition by the way they package and price the information they sell not through the information itself. Syndication is a very different way of structuring the business of today. This way of doing business is very different than the way business has been done in the past. It requires small and large businesses to rethink their tactical and strategic plans, thus causing the reshaping of organizations. This will also change the way they interact with customers and partner with other entities. In addition, businesses will be forced to develop new models for collecting revenues and earning profits. Syndication has traditionally been rare in the business world for three reasons. First, syndication works only with information goods. Second, syndication requires modularity. Third, syndication requires many independent distribution points (Werbach, 2000). Within this syndication network, businesses can play three different roles or a company can play one role in a syndication network, or two or three roles simultaneously. The three roles are originators, syndicators, or distributors. The originators create the original product or content. The syndicators package the content for distribution to the distributors. Often times they integrate it with the product or content from other originators. And last but not least, the distributors deliver the content to customers (Werbach, 2000). Within the structure of syndication there are syndicators and distributors. Syndicators save the distributors from having to find all of the different originators in an effort to gather all of the content that they want to package and eventually put out for distribution. The syndicators are able to collect standard formats and contracts from a variety of sources and making it readily available. This part of the process frees the distributors from having to find and negotiate with dozens or even hundreds of different originators. This allows syndicators to act as information collectors by collecting and packaging digital information in a way that adds value to it. In the physical world, it is very difficult to find a syndicator that works alone and is not associated with the entertainment industry.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Payne vs Cave Essay
The defendant had made the highest bid in an auction. The defendant had withdrawn his offer before the auctioneer had knocked his hammer. The plaintiff’s counsel opened the case with as: the goods were put up in one lot at an auction. There were several bidders of which the defendant was the last bidder. The defendant had bid 401. The auctioneer had dwelt on the bidding. As the auctioneer dwelt the defendant said, â€Å"Why do you dwell? You will get no more. The defendant said he was informed the worm weighed at least 1300 cwt and was worth more than 401. The defendant asked him if he could warrant it to weigh so much, and receiving a answer in the negative he then declared that he would not take it, and refused to pay for it. It was re-sold on the subsequent day’s sale for 301 to the defendant. Against which the action was brought for the difference. ISSUES OF THE CASE The issues in the case PAYNE against CAVE Saturday, May 2nd, 1789 are: 1.The highest bidder (the defendant) withdrew his offer before the hammer was knocked. The hammer is put down to assure that the bidder’s bid is accepted and there are no more bids to come in. The time given between the bid being made and the hammer knocked is for other bidder’s to bid higher or the highest bidder to withdraw his offer. When a bidder bids an amount he is giving an offer and the offer is accepted when the auctioneer knocks his hammer. An offer can be withdrawn before it has been accepted. 2.Walton set aside the nonsuit, on the ground that the bidder was bound by the conditions of the sale to abide by his bidding, and could not retract. The defendant when he started bidding he is to abide by the rules of the auction that is that the highest bidder will be the buyer of the property. He withdrew his bid because of a negative reply from the auctioneer. But he should have paid the amount he had bid. PRINCIPLES OF THE CASE An auction is a public sale of property where willing buyers bid prices at which they are ready to buy the property. The basic rule of an auction is the highest bidder is the buyer. A contract of sale is formed in an auction by means of competitive bids, submitted and confirmed according to the pre-established terms and conditions that govern the auction sale. The act that presides over auction sales is â€Å"Sale of Goods Act 1979†section 57 where it says: Auction Sales 1.Where goods are put up for sale by auction in lots, each lot is prima facie deemed to be the subject of a separate contract of sale. 2.A sale by auction is complete when the auctioneer announces its completion by the fall of the hammer, or in other customary manner; and until the announcement is made any bidder may retract his bid. 3.A sale by auction may be notified to be subject to a reserve or upset price, and a right to bid may also be reserved expressly by or on behalf of the seller. 4.Where a sale by auction is not notified to be subject to a right to bid by or on behalf of the seller, it is not lawful for the seller to bid himself or to employ any person to bid at the sale, or for the auctioneer knowingly to take any bid from the seller or any such person. 5.A sale contravening subsection (4) above may be treated as fraudulent by the buyer. 6.Where, in respect of a sale by auction, a right to bid is expressly reserved (but not otherwise) the seller or any one person on his behalf may bid at the auction. As we can see the law states according to the second point the auctioneer confirms the sale with the knocking of the hammer or else the bidder has the right to withdraw the bid. This law was setup in 1979 in reference to the case stated above. HELD The court thought the nonsuit very proper. The auctioneer is the agent of the vendor, and the assent of both parties is necessary to make the contract binding; that is signified on the part of the seller by knocking down the hammer, which was not done here till the defendant had retracted. Every bidding is nothing more than an offer on one side, which is not binding on either side till it, is assented to. But according to what is now contended for, one party would be bound by the offer, and the other not, which can never be allowed. Rule refused. COMMENTS The decision given in the case â€Å"PAYNE against CAVE. Saturday, May 2nd, 1789†is according to us a correct decision. The decision that an offer was made but the acceptance was not shown is an accurate decision. The defendant had the right to retract his offer if he is not willing to buy at that price. ISLAMIC PRESPECTIVE If we look at the case form an Islamic perspective we can look at the case from different views. The case can be seen from: 1.The perspective of the plaintiff. When an offer is made by the defendant, he should not retract the offer. As he knows that the bidding means he willing to buy at that price he should keep his word and pay the price he bid for. In Islam a person should not say anything which he will not be able to keep his word against. Whatever man says he should do so. 2.The perspective of the defendant. The defendant should have the right to withdraw his bid is he is not happy with the price he bid or the environment. He withdrew is bid not because he could not pay the amount he withdrew his bid because of the negative answer from the auctioneer. He did not like the way the auctioneer had replied as we can imply from the case. The decision given by the court is right if we look at it from an Islamic perspective. The defendant has every right to withdraw the bid if he if it not accepted. If a person offers something and the other does not accept it, till the acceptance the offer can be withdrawn.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
How does Salinger present the character of Holden in the opening pages of the text? Essay
Salinger uses a variety of linguistic and literary techniques to create a realistic voice for the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, and to give the reader an idea of how this is achieved and presents the major concerns and thoughts of the character and the novel through these techniques. Salinger attempts to create the voice of a contemporary teenager through writing in the vernacular of this intended voice – the use of crude, colloquial lexis that Holden uses resembles this through his repetitive and continuous use of â€Å"phony†throughout the novel, for example â€Å"what a phony slob he is.†The use of colloquial language, coupled with the protagonists conditional direct address to the reader â€Å"If you really want to know†, is used by Salinger as an allusion to Holden being somewhat reluctant to telling us about himself and his past which leans the reader towards thinking that Holden is not well and that there may be something in his past which has caused Holden to be the way he is. The conditional also suggests that Holden views his life as boring and uninteresting, ergo the intensifier â€Å"really†and the conditional â€Å"if†are used by Salinger to convey Holden’s minor reluctance. In addition, the direct address also creates an immediate tenor with the audience which is engaging for the reader. Moreover, the reader learns that the protagonist is a social pariah –â€Å"the whole school was there except me†– an outcast that actively rebels against society and life and this is the reason the character adopts a studied boredom approach to questions. Furthermore, Salinger reinforces Holden’s apparent dismissive attitude towards his own life through the use of the literary reference â€Å"David Copperfield kind of crap†. This conveys the impression that the protagonist does not think his life is worth telling when, further on, it becomes apparent that Holden does actually want to tell the reader about the â€Å"madman stuff†that has happened to him. The reader learns that Holden is uncertain about his future and, indeed, his life in general through the vague expression â€Å"when I go home next month maybe.†This makes the reader wonder if Holden is well mentally and physically, which would explain the â€Å"madman stuff.†The reader becomes aware that Holden as a character has a very limited ability to express himself, and often relies on idiosyncratic phrases to convey his thoughts and feelings where he is unable to with words. An example of this would be Holden’s use of the adjective â€Å"old†in â€Å"old Selma Thurner†which he uses to convey friendly affection feelings towards the character. The protagonist also uses hyperbole to convey his emotions and thoughts, too, though generally in a much more sarcastic manner as illustrated by â€Å"supposed to commit suicide if old Pencey didn’t win†. As noted above, the reader learns that Holden uses the adjective â€Å"old†in a usually affectionate way, but in this instance he is using it sarcastically to convey a negative opinion toward his school. When the reader reads on, they learn that not only is Holden iconoclastically rejecting the education system but he is also rejecting the ideology of capitalism wh ich he views as the main source of the â€Å"phony†population. From this, the reader realises that not only is Holden a countercultural figure but also a cynic towards the capitalism ideology his society is based on. In addition, the protagonist’s repetitive use of blasphemy is used to express his thoughts on a topic, for example â€Å"cost him damn near four thousand bucks†though the reader realises he does not mean the blasphemy – seemingly, Holden does not notice it; it is simply part of his idiolect and is used by the protagonist in an effort to connect with the reader, creating an informal tenor between Holden and the audience. The use of contractions is used by Salinger to create an informal tenor between the protagonist and the reader and are shown to be common in Holden’s idiolect, and indeed the teenage sociolect that Salinger was writing in throughout the novel. This use of contractions, along with the taboo language used throughout the novel, is used to reinforce this image of Holden being a countercultural, rebellious teenager that controversially rejects capitalism and the education system through his countercultural behaviour. Furthermore, the reader becomes aware of Holden’s seemingly strained relationship with his family, particularly his seemingly implied coldness towards his brother, D.B. who is a writer. The italics â€Å"and he’s my brother and all†is used by Salinger to convey the mixed feelings of the protagonist to the reader. The italics is used by Salinger to reflect the sarcastic, verbal intonation of Holden and implies that Holden once liked and possibly admired his brother, but now he views him as â€Å"being a prostitute†– a sell-out, in Holden’s eyes. This reveals to the reader that Holden does not approve of â€Å"phony†actions like selling out your talent just to be successful. In addition, the audience also becomes aware that Holden’s strained relationships extend not only to the general public but to his own mother and father, too; â€Å"my parents would have about two haemorrhages apiece†illustrates to the audience that Holden has little avenue for expressing his emotions which causes the reader to wonder what the cause of Holden’s introversion is, later revealed to be the death of his younger brother who he was close to, Allie. In addition, the reader becomes aware of the protagonists opinions and thoughts on certain topics and their views on people in particular through the constant digression of the main character; Holden uses digression in place of actively expressing himself and it is present throughout the entire novel. Through this digression, the reader gains a valuable insight into Holden’s mind, especially when family and women are concerned: â€Å"she’s a pretty nice girl†reveals to the readers that Holden, despite being a teenager, is not interested in sex with girls despite his later claims to be a maniac, which illustrates an insecurity in Holden towards sex.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Guide for Writing a Descriptive Essay Example + 40 Topics
A Guide for Writing a Descriptive Essay Example + 40 Topics A descriptive piece of writing is your chance to offer the reader see the picture with his own eyes.  Working on a descriptive essay example, you are going to provide your target audience with the perception through 5 senses. If you manage to do this the best way, your paper will be evaluated highly. If not, you are likely to get a low grade. Some students consider this piece of writing an interesting task to do. Others think it is much more difficult than any other written assignment. Are there any reasons to think so? Almost every day, you describe things with the aim to help other people imagine what you are talking about. Sometimes, listening to your description, the person understands what you mean from the 1st time. There are situations when it is extremely difficult to draw pictures using words. DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY WRITTEN BY PROFESSIONALS Not everyone has an ability to describe things in a bright clear manner.  This doesn't mean that you should just give up! No, never! This guide on how to compose a descriptive essay example will help you to learn writing basics. Follow the most effective tips for completing a paper that will 100% stand out! The Best Descriptive Essay Topics Collection Before you get started with the descriptive essay example writing, you should take several steps. The 1st one will be the selection of a topic. Choosing from descriptive essay topics, be guided by the rule to give preference to the topic you are familiar with and feel passionate about. It is very important for any type of paper, especially for this piece of writing. How can you describe the person you have never seen, the event you haven't attended, the phenomenon you haven't heard about? It is obvious that only being familiar with the main features and distinctive characteristics of the object/subject of your description, you'll be able to provide readers with a clear picture of this thing. Do you experience difficulties with the topic selection? Check descriptive essay topics and choose the one that sounds best. 10 Descriptive Essay Topics for Grade 8 Pick the topic you find the most interesting one: The portrait of my mother My best friend and me: common features we have The bird I like the most The perfect day of my life My favorite author My first school teacher How do I see my family dream house? What is my perfect weekend? What does the forest look like in winter? What makes my room unique? 10 Topics for Descriptive Essays High School Check a topics collection aimed at high-school students: What do I like/dislike in my appearance? Whom do you consider beautiful among celebrities? Describe the most interesting dream you have seen How should the best cup of coffee taste? Describe the best present in your life Do you believe that pets look similar to their owners? Describe your pet My room and the room of my sister/brother My father's character The smartphone of my dream Innovative characteristics of Apple gadget. 10 Descriptive Essay Topics for Middle School Check the collection of easy topics ideas: Which season do you consider best for traveling? What was your impression unwrapping birthday gifts? My favorite holiday celebration What kind of clothing style do you prefer? Describe the most beautiful sunset you have seen Which feelings does a person have going somewhere by plane? The prettiest girl/boy in my class The portrait of my grandparents My favorite food The best day of my life so far 10 Descriptive Essay Topics for College Have a look at descriptive essay topics that can be used by students studying at a college below: The mountain lake description How do you imagine the most romantic wedding day? Describe the feelings of a person who has fallen in love The person I love the most What kind of rest do I like? The worst summer holidays in my life Describe any labor activity Describe the process of writing a letter to a friend How do you choose gifts for your friends? Describe the process of work (your dad is repairing his car in the garage) The Best Tips on How to Write a Descriptive Essay Have you chosen the best topic? It is high time to learn how to structure this kind of paper the correct way. This genre doesn't differ much from other papers. Like any other one, it starts with an introduction, followed by the main body, and finally, there is the conclusion. Sure that this genre has its own distinctive features you should take into account. Don't you learn how to write a descriptive essay on A-grade? Check helpful tips for crafting a worthy descriptive paper that will impress your teacher. Offer the reader plunge into the world of your sensations. If two people are given a task to describe the same thing, they will do this differently. Every person perceives the world and everything that happens through his/her own vision. Being assigned to write a paper describing something, you should use a great opportunity to show how you see this/that object/person/event using the bright language rich in literary devices, which play a significant role in the reflecting atmosphere. Make your paper vivid. The key to success is to sound expressive. Your task is to help readers see the whole picture reading your paper. Words can work miracles being not less bright than a photograph. Help the reader understand the work’s purpose. Any paper topic has its purpose. The writer’s task is to provide readers with a clear understanding of what it is. Convey information following the outline. Making an outline is a must if you want to create a good work. A detailed plan will help not to miss any detail. Following the correct structure, there are all chances to craft a valuable piece of writing. If you aren't good at writing essays according to the structure, you are welcome to check how to write essay parts. Step by step, create a description that will sound real. ORDER YOUR DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY NOW The Introduction of a Descriptive Essay: How to Get Started? Some students spend hours brainstorming ideas on how to get started. Are you one of them? If you don't understand how to write a descriptive essay intro, start with a life story from your personal experience able to engage the reader. Your story should touch all 5 senses. Choose which one to start with. For example, describing a wedding day, start with the description of the atmosphere, music, decoration, etc. Make the reader guess what celebration it is. Creating intrigue works effectively. How to Craft a Powerful Descriptive Essay Thesis? A thesis statement is an obligatory part of your work. The purpose of this sentence is to introduce the key topic idea. The thesis should be clear and concise. It should be one informative paragraph.   Focus on the major idea, exclude everything that doesn't matter writing about the purpose and the way you are going to reach the goal. Tips on How to Write a Conclusion for a Descriptive Essay The end of the work should include the writer’s standpoint and the main points’ brief summary. Conclude the paper not leaving readers with questions left. Make it powerful because it has been proven that the reader's memory is organized in a way that implies he/she remembers the last words better than the main body’s information. Wonder how to write a descriptive essay conclusion? Check the example! Descriptive Essay Examples: Check the Correct One Before Getting Started! Is this the first time you need to craft a description? Check descriptive essay examples for you to understand how to do this the best way. Have a look at the example below. â€Å" The Woman I've Seen Once†Every day we see a lot of strangers passing them by without paying attention but that woman in the red dress stood out from the crowd. She was extremely beautiful. She knew about this and even felt proud of being like a model from the fashion magazine. She has long black hair, big black eyes that it was possible to dive into them and get lost forever like in the ocean. However, on their surface, I noticed waves of sorrow. The woman was standing silently.  The entire nature of hers was ready to scream from pain. Her eyes were full of tears looking at me - those were tears of sadness mixed with happiness. I wanted to come to her to ask what had happened. Unfortunately, something prevented me from this. I turned back, understood that she had disappeared. I did my best to find her seeing her nowhere. It was so strange because it seemed that her perfume was left in that park forever. I smelled it - it seemed so familiar to the one my mom had. She died when I was five. I wanted to find her seeing her in everyone. I will never forget the woman who looked so similar to my mom because she had such a sad face. I think that there are no meetings, which take place by chance. I am sure, that one has been planned by someone. Who was she? This has remained a secret. This doesn't matter because her appearance gave me a chance to see the image of my mom once again and feel her love wherever she is now†. A Descriptive Essay Outline Sample Depending on what you are going to write about, your outline will differ. Describe a person's appearance, an event, a process, a natural phenomenon, a picture, etc. In each case, the outline’s content will differ while the main structural elements we have already discussed above will remain. Check the descriptive essay outline sample that you can use describing a person. I. Introduction: The overall impression The features you have noticed 1st II.          Main Body: The description of the face/body parameters The description of the clothes The behavior of the person III.       Conclusion: Does the character of the person suit the appearance? What kind of features helped to find out what kind of personality the person has? The personal observations Advice from an Expert on How to Write a Descriptive Essay Example Write your work only after checking successful descriptive essay examples. Keep in mind that to complete a good essay of this genre, you need to be very careful with details. Don't make a big mistake considering details not very important for the overall impression. If writing about the person, analyze both the appearance/character, find out what the face features, clothes can tell about the personality. Describing any person/animal/not alive object, remember that you should have a clear picture of the topic to impress the reader with your detailed story. Use senses to help the reader see, smell, taste, hear, touch what you are writing about. Prof. Mary K., online essay writer from EssayPro Our Professionals Craft the Perfect Essay Worth A+! Have checked the descriptive essay example being unsure you can write this type of work on A+? Our professionals with years of experience will give a helping hand! Share the topic/the teacher's guidelines and we will do our best to exceed his/her expectations. We have a team of reliable writers treating the process of crafting essays as an opportunity to realize their potential. Just contact us writing â€Å"Write my essay cheap†. You will be pleasantly surprised by affordable prices per page we offer our customers to pay for. Forget about sleepless nights/long working hours during the day! We are here to help 24/7! Our experts are always ready to offer necessary academic assistance with any kind of work, regardless of the difficulty level! Don't hesitate to use our services if getting a high score is of the utmost importance for you! We promise you'll never regret hiring one of our well-educated talented writers! Tell us your wish - we will tailor our service to your personal wants/needs!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Abbreviations and Acronyms for English Learners
Abbreviations and Acronyms for English Learners Any shortened form of a word or phrase is an abbreviation. Acronyms are also a type of abbreviation that can be pronounced as a single word. Abbreviations are selectively used in spoken conversation as well as written English. Generally, common abbreviations such as measurements and titles are always abbreviated in written form. Days and months are commonly written out. Online, abbreviations and acronyms are most common in texting, chat rooms and in SMS. In spoken English, we often use abbreviations in informal conversations. A good rule of thumb is to use abbreviations and acronyms that you know others are familiar with, and avoid them when they are too specific. For example, if you are having a conversation with a business colleague it may be appropriate to use abbreviations particular to your line of work. However, the use of work-related abbreviations would be out of place if speaking with friends. Here is a guide to some of the most common abbreviations. Titles One of the most common types of abbreviations is the shortened word. Either the first few letters of a word or important letters in the word are used for this type of abbreviation. Common abbreviations include titles used in everyday conversation, as well as military ranks: Mr. - MisterMrs. - MistressMs. - MissDr. - DoctorJr. - JuniorSr. - SeniorCapt. - CaptainComdr. - CommanderCol. - ColonelGen. - GeneralHon. - the HonorableLt. - LieutenantRev. - the Reverend Other common abbreviations include: Months of the Year Jan. - JanuaryFeb. - FebruaryMar. - MarchApr. - AprilAug. - AugustSept. - SeptemberOct. - OctoberNov. - NovemberDec. - December Days of the Week Mon. - MondayTues. - TuesdayWed. - WednesdayThurs. - ThursdayFri. - FridaySat. - SaturdaySun. - Sunday Weight and Volume gal. - gallonlb - poundoz - ouncept - pintqt - quartwt. - weightvol. - volume Time hr - hourmin - minutesec - second Length - US/UK in. - inchft - footmi - mileyd - yard Measures in Metrics kg - kilogramkm - kilometerm - metermg - milligrammm - millimeter Initial Letter Abbreviations Initial letter abbreviations take the first letter of each important word in a short phrase to make up the abbreviation. Prepositions are usually left out of initial letter abbreviations. One of the most common initial letter abbreviations is the USA - United States of America. Notice how the preposition of is left out of this abbreviation. Other common initial letter abbreviations include: Directions N - NorthS - SouthE - EastW - WestNE - NortheastNW - NorthwestSE - SoutheastSW - Southwest Important Institutions BBC - British Broadcasting CorporationEU - European UnionIRS - Internal Revenue ServiceNASA - National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNATO - North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationUNICEF - United Nations Childrens FundWHO - World Health Organization Types of Measurement MPH - Miles per hourRPM - Revolutions per minuteBtu - British thermal unitsF - FahrenheitC - Celsius SMS, Texting, Chat Many abbreviations are used online and in our daily lives with smartphones, chat rooms, etc. Here are a few, but follow the links for a complete list in alphabetical order. B4N - Bye for nowASAP - As soon as possibleNP - No problemTIC - Tongue in cheek Acronyms Acronyms are initial letter abbreviations that are pronounced as one word. To take the examples from above, the BBC is NOT an acronym because it is pronounced as it is spelled: the B - B - C. However, NATO is an acronym because it is pronounced as one word. ASAP is another acronym, but ATM is not. Tips for Using Abbreviations and Acronyms Use abbreviations when texting by learning common texting abbreviationsUse acronyms as a mnemonic device to help you learn a wider range of vocabulary. In other words, take a list of words you want to learn and memorize the first letters of each word you want to learn. For example, primary colors: RBYred, blue, yellow.Use abbreviations when writing quick emails in an informal voice.Do not use abbreviations or when writing formal emails, reports or letters except for common organization namesFor more uncommon acronyms, use the entire name followed by the acronym in parentheses the first time you use the acronym in written communications. For example: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is responsible for loaning money to nations. As the world experiences more economic difficulties, the role of the IMF is often called into question.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Demonstrate the major differences between documentary and reality TV Essay
Demonstrate the major differences between documentary and reality TV programmes by comparing examples on similar subjects - Essay Example The basic assumption made by the current report is that both reality TV and documentaries are manipulative genres, which use objectivity (an impossibility in reality) as a way of excusing the purposeful arrangement of form and content to achieve a certain audience reaction. Certain other genres, including documentaries, may be said to be forerunners of reality TV. Among these are quiz shows, which had their peak of popularity in the 1950s and declined after a series of scandals. In these shows, average everyday individuals would compete against members of the scholarly and intelligence community for cash and other prizes by answering questions in a game-show format. Part of the draw of these shows, as in other reality TV shows as well as documentaries, was that the viewer was not watching an actor delivering planned lines, but rather was watching an individual who was just like them in many ways. The genre of quiz shows became wildly popular, partly as a result of this, but faded after quiz show scandals revealed that many of the so-called average everyday people were actually actors, being coached and given lines by the shows’ producers. However, the genre of game shows, which is closely related to quiz shows, survived the scandals and kept its place on network television, especially during the morning and daytime hours. â€Å"Various types of programme are believed to impart greater knowledge and â€Å"broaden the mind†: in part political programmes (which are not uniformly popular as a result of the disillusionment frequently expressed with respect to politics and politicians); to a greater extent magazine-style programmes, debates, reports and documentaries on a series of topics including society, travel, foreign countries, nature†(Attitudes, 2010). People are interested in this form of entertainment, and therefore, it
Thursday, October 31, 2019
International Financial Risk and Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International Financial Risk and Control - Essay Example It is imperative for transnational business organizations to recognize the determinants of exchange rates and whether the exchange rate variations can be forecasted. International parity conditions refer to the economic theories that connect exchange rates, level of prices as well as the interest rates. In this study, we would attempt to see whether the international parity conditions are effective in forecasting the variations in the exchange rates in the real world. In doing so, we would consider the bilateral exchange rate movements of Euro/Dollar over the past twelve months and observe whether the variations were consistent with one or more of the International Parity Conditions. Subsequently, we would conclude the study by discussing the extent of effectiveness of the International Parity Conditions as a forecasting tool (Eiteman et al., 2007, p.170). In this section of the study, we would assess the relative exchange rate movement of Euro expressed in terms of United States Dol lar. For the convenience of the study, the Euro versus Dollar exchange rate fluctuations for the period of last twelve months were considered. However, to analyze the latest trend of the Euro/USD exchange rate, we would initially focus on the last 120 days movement of the currency. During this period, the highest value for Euro was 1.3788 USD (as recorded on November 8, 2011) while the lowest value of Euro during the same period was 1.2669 (as recorded on January 16, 2012). The latest value of 1 Euro (as on April 20, 2012) was observed to be 1.3192 USD (Source: X-Rates, 2012). The graph above represents the exchange rate movements EUR/USD for the period starting from May 2011 and ending at April 2012. A closer look at the exchange rate chart reveals that the value of Euro in terms of USD during the specified time frame had fluctuated from 1.45 to around 1.3 USD approximately.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The image of Martin Luther King giving speech I Have a Dream in 1963 Annotated Bibliography
The image of Martin Luther King giving speech I Have a Dream in 1963 - Annotated Bibliography Example Moreover, the source offers information some of his civil right movements which is critical in answering the question on the ways in which he fought for the freedom of African Americans. Andrew Young the author of this book offers a chronological record of some of the experiences that Martin Luther went through during his struggle to campaign for the freedom of African Americans. The author was one of the leading members of the civil rights movement during that time and hence offers a detailed account of the mistreatment, police harassments and other challenges that Marti Luther remained resilient to because of his determination to see the African Americans treated as equal American citizens. This book is a powerful source in the discussion about Martin Luther’s experience and contributions in the civil rights movements. The author’s close association with Martin Luther as members of the civil rights movement serves to augment the reliability of the source. Daisy Bates the author of this book presents an extensive and intensive description of the efforts of African Americans to fight for equality. She describes the severity of the segregation that existed between the black and whites and then illustrates how some of the leaders of African American collaborated with the same mission of demanding for equality. From the details she provide, it becomes evident that martin Luther king was influential in this course. This book is a reliable source when describing the mission that Martin Luther was working to achieve. Since the book offers an in depth description, it becomes evident that it can be used to develop a clear understanding of how Martin Luther and his contemporaries who participated in the civil right movement strategized as they fought for the freedom of the African Americans. This book offers an extensive description of the belief and certain personality traits that helped shape the leadership of Martin Luther. The author of the book sought
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Case Study on Strategic Management of Global Companies
Case Study on Strategic Management of Global Companies 1.1 What are the key differences between the two accounts of Hondas entry into the US market? 2The first case is narrated by The Harvard Business School based on the Boston consulting (BCG) Report whereas the second case, An Insiders Account of Hondas Entry into the US Market is a direct narration recorded by Richard Pascale. The BCG report explains on the Honda Company as a matured business and a mix of its competitors in the US. As affirmed in the case; Hondas competitors were Harley-Davidson, BSA, Triumph, Norton, and Moto-Guzzi. Whereas, the second case enlightens how the company initiated from scratch and its journey through the difficult times. Richard Pascales article explains the challenges that the company went through during its commencement, such as difficulty in getting funds; treatment of the motorcycle dealers was discourteous, while in the BCG article no challenges were mentioned. The BCG report emphasizes more on the Hondas in-depth research and development department for instance having more staff; as said in the article, the RD was staffed with 700 designers/engineers, increase in the production level as a result more investment in the RD department. While the second case doesnt explain anything with regard to the research and development since it is taking the business at an initiative level. The BCG report highlights target market in general whereas the second article explains target market in details as said in the case, the company chose Los Angeles as the location whereby their target market consisted of second and third generation of Japanese community. Richard Pascales article clearly identified the companys products offered to the market as stated in the article; the products were 50cc, 125cc, 250cc and 350cc machines while in the first essay explains the general overview of the companys products. 1.2 REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Herbert Rotters former Goldwing page former Yamaha Virago 1100 page, Personal Homepage, Honda Motorcycle 350 CB [Image] Electronic Source Cover Page Image Greenwich University; Course Work: The Honda Effect, Case Study Scenario. CASE STUDY 2- LAURA ASHLEY 2.1 Map Laura Ashleys stakeholders using a power/interest matrix. 4Stakeholders are individuals, groups or organizations who are affected directly or indirectly by organizations goals, objectives, actions and policies. 5Stakeholder Analysis is a tool used to recognize the stakeholders and investigate their needs as they are the ones who are concerned with the actions taking place within the organization. The aim of this analysis is to identify the stakeholders interests, concerns and manage relationships with them. The method used to access stakeholders is Mendelows Stakeholder Matrix which has two dimensions; Power and Interest with four quadrants. [6] Interest talks about the stakeholders concern towards a project whereas power talks about the control over the project. Interest Minimal Effort people who need to be observed without boring them with unnecessary communication. Keep Informed people who need to be informed sufficiently, talked and make sure that no major issues take place. They can help with the developing the project details. Keep Satisfied people who need to be well satisfied with nothing much that would bore them whilst comprehending of the assignment. Key Player- people who must be associated and satisfied with the efforts made. 7Laura Ashleys stakeholders are Analysts, London Stock Exchange Market, Malayan United Industries (MUI) shareholder Dr. Khoo, Customers, Government and Suppliers. It is essential that the stakeholder management should be conducted so as to know each stakeholders level of power and interest along with their impact on the company. However it is sometimes difficult to locate all companys stakeholders in one frame as in the case of Laura Ashley. Beneath is the table, of the Stakeholder Map showing the strategies that are applied for Laura Ashley. Interest 2.2 REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Vintage Verity Adoring all things vintage, retro and downright quirky Laura Ashley logo [Image] Electronic Source Cover Page Image Business Dictionary, An Service, Definition of Stakeholder Johnson et al, 2009, Fundamentals of Strategy: Definition of Stakeholder, 1st edn, page 90. Wikipedia, October 16, 2008, Stakeholder Analysis, Wikipedia Encyclopedia, BaBou, March 9th, 2008, Leadership Champions, What is Stakeholder Analysis? Part 1: Definition and aim of Stakeholder Analysis, Mind Tools Essential Skills for an excellent career, Winning Support for your Projects, Stakeholder Analysis: Mendelows Stakeholder Matrix, BaBou, March 10th, 2008, Leadership Champions, What is Stakeholder Analysis? Part 2: Mendelows Stakeholder Matrix, Greenwich University; Course Work: Laura Ashley, Case Study Scenario CASE STUDY 3- APPLYING A BALANCED SCORECARD 3.1 What arguments would you use to persuade an organization to adopt the Balanced Scorecard approach? 9A Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a tool that is used to measure a companys business activities in relation to its vision along with its strategies. It provides managers a complete knowledge of the business performance. 10Figure 1 Usually when organizations measure performance, it is the financial area that is given more attention while the rest of the aspects are not taken much into consideration. It is therefore important that organizations should pursue in using the balanced scorecard. [11] Below are some of the benefits which the organizations will gain. One of them being a source of direction since it guides the management as well as helps identify what needs to be measured in order to accomplish organizational goals which will in return act as a competitive advantage for the firm. With Balanced Scorecard, firms are able to determine both financial as well as non-financial measures. As said in the case study, the balance scorecard was to combine three new sets of measures with the customary financial ones, embracing the customer, learning and growth, and internal issues such as quality improvement and cost control. Balanced scorecard allows firms to develop as well as expand so as to align new organizational strategies, as said by Mr. Hofmeister in the case study, it gives us better and better alignment (between all operating units) and focuses attention on whats important and on results. Through the balanced scorecard, organizations are able to the compare past experience in order to improve its performance which will help predict what will happen in the future. Although the growth of practicing balanced scorecard is slow, however many organizations have already accepted and are applying it. 3.2 REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY:, Balanced Scorecard; Kaplan and Nortons organizational performance management tool Balance Scorecard [Image] Papaers4You, Guide on How to write University Essays, Coursework, Assignments and Dissertations: Definition of Balanced Scorecard, 2002-2007, Business Knowledge Source, What is a Balanced Scorecard, and what does it have to do with manufacturing? Definition of Balanced Scorecard, Ali, Md. Mohobbot, The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) A Critical Analysis, Queensland Government, Southbank Institute of Technology, Strategic goals: Balanced Scorecard Framework [Image] Balboa, Jun 26, 2005. ECheat; Porters Five Forces, Value chain, Balanced: Critically evaluation of Porters five forces, Value Chain Analysis, Balanced Scorecard Benefits of Balanced Scorecard. Business Knowledge Source, What is a Balanced Scorecard, and what does it have to do with manufacturing? Benefits of Balanced Scorecard, Partnering to Success, The Balanced Scorecard: Benefits from using the Balanced Scorecard, Ali, Md. Mohobbot, The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) A Critical Analysis: Benefits of Balanced Scorecard Beverly Dianne Calhoun, Oct 19, 2004, Using the Balanced Scorecard to Determine Corporate Information Needs: Benefits of Balanced Scorecard Greenwich University; Course Work: Appling a Balanced Scorecard, Case Study Scenario CASE STUDY 4- FIAT: REBIRTH OF A CARMAKER 4.1 Using the information in the case study undertake a SWOT analysis of Fiat at the time of Sergio Marchionnes appointment and suggest how a SWOT analysis in 2008 may differ. 13SWOT analysis is used for scanning an organization (internal factors) as well as its environment (external factors). The internal factors include strengths(S) and weaknesses (W) while the external factors include opportunity (O) and threats (T). 14 SWOT ANALYSIS FOR FIAT GROUP AUTOMOBILES: Below is a table showing SWOT Analysis before the year 2004. Strengths weaknesses Fiat offered differentiated products. That is; it provides the market with a variety of cars. The companys hierarchy line was long making it more bureaucratic. Fiat cars were viewed as a quality brand. It lacked well developed core competence lending to ugly and unstylish cars. The company was well reputed. It needed to maintain its debts. Ability of manufacturing small cars. Licensing agreement with Bosch for financial support in exchange with the diesel technology that Fiat had. opportunities Threats Fiat had a chance of wining the market share from rivals. Competition with existing automobile firms. The market is ready to accept the new and stylish cars. Partnership agreement with General Motors for giving it them the right to sell its cars. Risk of employing new members to the Fiat family. Table 1 Below is a table showing SWOT Analysis after the year 2004. Strengths weaknesses Distinctive competence of designing low cost equivalent four-cylinder engine. Limited resources. Using technology by means of computer for simulation. Lack of knowledge with regard to entering new markets. For example the Chinese market. Producing new and stylish car designs. Drop in the market share. Competitive advantage of cutting down time to reach the market. Declined performance of the company since Fiat only sold 2000 cars in china, India and Russia. Fiats cars are exploited to have relative fuel efficiency. It is the first carmaker to put forward diesel engines that met the so-called Euro 5 fuel standards. opportunities Threats Winning the market share. Rivalry of potential new competitors. Expanding product line with new and innovative stylish cars. Rivalry with existing competitors such as VW and PSA Peugeot Citroen. Entering into joint venture for instance, with companies like SAIC (China) and TATA (India). Adverse demographic. For insistence Russian market; is it ready to accept the cars offered to them? Entering new geographic markets such as Brazilian, China, India and Russia. Challenge in controlling quality of the car brand. Fiat cars expect to have lower average emissions than any other competitor due to its fuel efficiency. Risk of employing new members to the Fiat family. Table 2 Comparing SWOT analysis before and after 2004: The company is able to increase its growth by entering new and emergent markets. As said, Fiat is expecting to have its sales from different areas such as outside Western Europe, China, India, Russia and soon overtake Germany. Fiat will also be able to increase sales along with its market share whereas before 2004, its sales were dropped; market share had declined and a lot of debt was to be paid. With introduction of technology, new stylish cars were offered to the market with reducing time at development area so as to start the production as soon as possible. The firm was able to rectify mistakes that it made earlier. For example the licensing agreement with Bosch in exchange with the diesel technology that Fiat had. Below is a table showing a comparison between the two SWOT Analyses. 2004 2008 Sales were dropped, Market share declined and a lot of debt was pending to be paid. Sales along with its market share increased. Fiats core competence had ceased. Developed new competences such as designing low cost equivalent four-cylinder engine, usage of technology, cutting down time to reach the market, relative fuel efficiency, put forward diesel engines. Mistake of licensing with other companies in order to support their finances in exchange with their ability. The firm will not repeat the same mistake of licensing; hence it will protect its competitive advantages. The companys hierarchy line was long making it more bureaucratic. The hierarchy line had become shorter making it less bureaucratic allowing the process to be smooth. Table 3 By 2008, most of the weaknesses had been reduced due to the rearrangement of the organizational system however, at the same time; a lot of improvement has been made. Therefore in order to develop, it is essential that the company takes many risks, as done by the Fiat Group Automobiles, since it is through this, the company has reached where it is now. 4.2 REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Legendarydevils, Thread: 140 Fiat Cars Wallpapers, Fiat Cars Image Quick MBA Knowledge to Power your Business, Strategic Management: Defining SWOT Analysis. Marketing Teacher Est 2000, Lesson: SWOT Analysis, Definition of SWOT analysis. Greenwich University; Course Work: Fiat: Rebirth of a carmaker, Case Study Scenario. CASE STUDY 5- THE PROFITABILITY OF UK RETAILERS 15 5.1 Use the industry analysis framework to explain the profitability of the main supermarket chains in the UK. Analyzing profitability of any Industry is done through The Five Forces Model that was put forward by Michael Porter. Beneath is a figure of the model. 16Figure 1 17Below is an industrial analysis showing the profitability of the main UK supermarket chains. SUPPLIERS Bargaining power of the suppliers is Low since British firms have command over their suppliers. As said in the case; British firms are more experienced and more skillful in their buying power to extract better terms from suppliers. BUYERS Customers bargaining power is also Low since the supermarket groups have control over them. As said in the case; The UK groups exert massive buying power by utilizing the oligopoly power to impose a higher-than-normal price on their customers. RIVALRY The competition between existing supermarkets is extremely high, due to the fact that there are many groups within this industry which have similar products / services. SUBSTITUTES Threat of substitutes is high as customers can switch to other shops instead of going to the supermarkets since they might be charged with a higher price as compared to other shops providing similar products at a lower price. Secondly, the suppliers could also switch to other firms rather than the British supermarkets due to the buying power exerted by the supermarkets. THREATS OF NEW ENTRANTS With lots of competition, threat of new entrants is relatively high, since the industry is more profitable in UK. At the same time, UK groups have barriers that cause difficulty for new competitors to enter the industry. Some of them being: Application of IT in their logistics, Lower Labor costs and High own-label penetration. Reference list Carpenter, M, Bauer, T, Erdogan, B, Flatworld Knowledge, Principles of Management; Developing Strategy through External Analysis Porters Five Forces Analysis of Market Structure. [Image] BUS 2700 Business Driven Information Technology, chapter 2: Identifying Competitive Advantages; The Five Forces Model Evaluating Business Segments. The Five Forces Model. [Image] Greenwich University; Course Work: The Profitability of UK Retailers Case Study Scenario. Tutors notes on Industrial Analysis: Five Forces Model Service design is one of the key resources that Novotel has, making it valuable. It includes the layout of the hotel allowing the customers to easily access the public spaces such as bars and restaurants. Distribution systems are attained by good relationships with distributors. Novotel has achieved to operate in both individual and corporate business as well as leisure markets. Firm infrastructure and Procurement Novotels relationships with partners develop a strong bond creating a valuable asset to the organization. Its efficiency allows delivering both economies of scale and scope making it rare and difficult to imitate. Staff retention is the most essential resource required in this industry. To retain and motivate, is a challenge Novotel was competent to do, thus reducing staff turnover through staff exchanges resulting to value creation. Standardization in all the locations worldwide is another benefit that Novotel has; allowing the staff to understand basic functions. This technique is valued and rare. Novotels Multi-skilled staff creates an exceptional resource and is most valued. The skills given to them during the training makes them capable of doing multiple tasks. Most of the capabilities conclude to be temporary competitive, since the industry is such that many competitors can imitate most of the capabilities and resources that the Novotel hotel has, directly or indirectly. Hence Novotels most sustainable competitive advantages are obtaining and retaining its multi-skilled staff that can work flexibly as well as having good relationships with suppliers. Reference list, Top Hotels in Phuket, Thailand, Novotel Hotels and Resorts Novotel logo [Image] Applying the VRIO Framework: An Overview; VRIO Analysis. Abraham Z. et al, Pacific Lutheran University School of Business, Vodafone Strategic Evaluation; VRIO Analysis, 2007. Scott Gallagher, 2004; Why do firm performance differ? Internal Analysis VRIO Analysis; Updated on 1st Nov 2007, Greenwich University; Course Work: The Novotel Value Chain Case Study Scenario Tutors notes on: VRIO Analysis CASE STUDY 7- THE LEVISS PERSONAL PAIR PROPOSAL 7.1 What position in the market does Levis occupy (use the strategy clock to characterize its position)? 21Bowman derived the strategic clock into four quadrants, having eight dimensions namely; No fill, Low price strategy, Hybrid, Differentiation, Focused differentiation, Increased price / Standard value, Increased price / Low value, Standard price/ Low value. The clock is compared in terms of Perceived Price and Perceived Benefit or Added Value as shown below. By using the strategic clock, Levis business environment is positioned to be in the fourth category which is the Differentiation. This is because; Levis offers a variety of products that have added value as well as a premium price slightly higher than the normal in order to satisfy the consumers needs. Levis products have Quality, Brand Image and Product Design and as a result creates Price premium, Customer Loyalty, giving the company a competitive advantage against its competitors. Due to Levis brand recognition and loyalty, its price offered is also slightly higher than its rivals therefore prevents itself from entering the price-based competition. As said in the case; Due to brand recognition and loyalty they did not enter into price based competition thus controlling reasonable price premium Levis also provides a wide range of products such as pants, shorts, skirts, jackets, and outwear. As said in the case; while blue jeans remain the companys mainstay, the San Francisco based company also sells pants made of corduroy, twill and various other fabrics as well as shorts, skirts, jackets, and outwear. With a premium price, along with its strong brand name, Levis has been able to position itself in the differentiation category, resulting into value-added products, hence gaining higher profit margins. 7.2 REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Feed the Interns A Daily Bite, Thursday, August 12th, 2010, Levis arent just for dads anymore?; Levis Logo [Image] Electronic Source Cover Page Image Dagmar Recklies, April 2001, Literature by: David Faulkner and Cliff Bowman, The The Essence of Competitive Strategy, The Strategic Clock Strategies on the basis of price and value: Differentiation strategy. Strategy Explorers, Bases of Competitive Advantage: The Strategy Clock Zanthus Corp. 2007; Business Strategy Bowman, C. and Faulkner, D.; Competitive and Corporate Strategy; Irwin; 1996 Bowman Strategy Clock Greenwich University; Course Work: The Levis Personal Pair Proposal Case Study Scenario. Tutors notes on: VRIO Analysis Zanthus Corp. 2007; Business Strategy Bowman, C. and Faulkner, D.; Competitive and Corporate Strategy; Irwin; 1996 -Bowman Strategy Clock:[Image] CASE STUDY 8- THE VIRGIN GROUP 8.1 Does the virgin Group, as a corporate parent, add value to its businesses? If so how? 24According to Johnson et al, Corporate parenting is the level of management above that of the business units, and therefore without direct interaction with buyers and competitors. (Johnson et al, 2009, p.172). Below are some of the areas through which the Virgin Group corporate parent adds value to its businesses. First the corporate parent has added value in establishing a strong brand name such as being a consumers champion through which barriers to entry could be overcome. Virgin is a reputed and well known brand in the market, thus enabling it to expand itself in static markets. In addition, the Virgin Group has a good resource management team. Branson together with his expertise and experienced team, review business proposals every week, out of which, appropriate prospects that match with the Virgin brand are then discussed. This enables Virgin to identify industries as well as institutionalized markets in which to enter. Moreover, the corporate parent assists in reducing organizational risks by entering into many joint ventures. Through these ventures Virgin, is able to penetrate new or untapped feasible markets allowing it attain low costs as well as expansion. Furthermore, Virgin Groups management style and leadership system is decentralized providing its managers with flexibility in decision making. Branson is mostly involved when it comes to marketing and promotion. In terms of innovation, the brand name itself tends to invite like minded partners to venture new markets thus allowing innovation and differentiation. Indeed, Virgin Group as a corporate parent adds value to its business by always trying to venture untapped markets and manage the business in a liberal way. 25As said by Andrew Campbell et al, Fit between a parent and its businesses is a two-edged sword: a good fit can create value: a bad one can destroy it. (Thompson and Strickland, 2004, p.290) 8.3 REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Rotty Seinfeld, Downtown Pets nyc dog services for lower Manhattan, Virgin founder Richard Branson on Charity and Dire Straits, Thursday, October 11th , 2007 at 7:45am; Virgin Group [Image] Electronic Source Cover Page Image Johnson et al, 2009, Fundamentals of Strategy: Corporate Parenting, 1st edn, page 172 Rob Abdul, WSI Case Study: Virgin Corporate Strategy, Value Adding by Corporate Parent The Role of the Corporate Parent Outline,1,The role of the corporate parent Exploring Corporate Strategy; The Virgin Group., Corporate Parenting Fundamentals, February 16th 2009, Corporate Parenting Style Supported its Strategic Implementation? Greenwich University; Course Work: The Virgin Group Case Study Scenario. Tutors notes on: Corporate Parenting Thompson and Strickland, 2004, Strategic Management: Strategy and Competitive Advantage in Diversified Companies, Quotation on Corporate Parenting. 13th edn, page.290 Greenwich University; Course Work: The Virgin Group Case Study Scenario Flow chart of the Virgin Group Electronic Source- Article CASE STUDY 9- EXTENDING THE easy BUSINESS MODEL How would you characterize easyGroups growth strategies in terms of Ansoff matrix? 28Ansoff matrix is a tool used by the organization to establish growth strategies that focus on its product as well as market growth. It is divided into four quadrants namely; Market penetration, Market development, Product development and Diversification. [29] Below are the growth strategies used by the easyGroup. Existing Products New Products Existing Markets Market Penetration Product Development New Markets Market Development Diversification easyGroup penetrates its market by providing best services at low price thus attaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, companys market share increases. . For example, easyJet provides its customers with affordable services through various strategic campaigns and promotions. Additionally, easyCar rents brand new A-Class Mercedes cars at a lower price reflecting easyGroups brand. It has also established pick-up and drop-off areas nearer to the car parks by means of mobile vans. Moreover, easyGroup develops its products by either modifying or getting into new businesses within the same market. For example, the group expanded easyinternetcafe services by setting up smaller Points of Presence (PoP), within existing enterprises, example McDonalds, Burger King, and Subway. Furthermore, easyGroups market development involves offering existing products to new markets. The easyGroup is planning to extend its easyinternetcafe through franchising involving store establishment, local marketing and store maintenance as well as entering into international markets such as in US. For the case of easyCar, the group aims to expand its sites from 50 to 80. easyGroups diversification strategy enables it to increase its scope, by providing new markets with new services not only in the airline industry but also in other industries. For example easyGroup launched new ventures such as the easyCar, easyValue as well as easyMoney, and is now planning to enter into the cinema industry. Thus, the company experiences unrelated diversification strategy. 9.2 REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: more value for less, The portal site for all easyGroup companies, easyGroup logo [Image] Quick MBA Knowledge to Power your Business, Strategic Management; Ansoff Matrix Definition of Ansoff Matrix. Marketing Teacher, Est 2000, Ansoff Matrix Planning for Growth; Definition of Ansoff Matrix tutor2u, Ansoff product/ market matrix; Definition of Ansoff Matrix university essays tripod, Guide to write university essays, course works, assignments and dissertation: Ansoff Analysis; Custom essays from Degree Essays; Business Essays Easy Group Study, Strategic Direction Ansoff Matrix of easygroup Greenwich University; Course Work: Extending the easy Business Model, Ca
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